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For INSTASPINUNIVERSALGUI the documentation talks about running the GUI in standalone mode or inside of CCS.

I typically use the GUI inside of CCS as it is simpler than using the Expressions View and quickly gives me more visibility of the project.

With CCSv7 - due to a change in the GUI Composer component - if trying to use inside of CCS the existing documentation is no longer accurate. 

Here is what you will need to do to get this to work for CCSv7 (and in the future I would assume with CCSv8 etc.)

View --> CCS App Center

search for: GUI

Select: GUI Composer Runtime

Install Software

Restart CCS

Copy your INSTASPINUNIVERSAL 'webapps' folder from


to the CCSv7 installation folder


Restart CCS

Now you should see

View --> GUI Composer --> Applications v1 --> InstaSPIN_F2806xM_UNIVERSAL   (and the F2802x and F2805x)

Select any of these (it does not matter if it matches the F280x device you are using)

And you can follow the standard user guide @

