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Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
Hi Team,
My customer reported a warning while using conversion in CLA usage, could you kindly give comments on how to solve this issue?
warning : #70D integer conversion resulted in truncation.
Details shown as attached, expect for your reply, thanks.
Best Regards
BenjaminTMS320F280049 CLA Warning.docx
This warning can be suppressed. The compiler is warning that a 32-bit address is being converted to a 16-bit address. However, CLA program addresses must be 16-bits or less. This is an architecture limitation.
You can do the below:
// Suppressing #770-D conversion from pointer to smaller integer
// The CLA address range is 16 bits so the addresses passed to the MVECT
// registers will be in the lower 64KW address space. Turn the warning
// back on after the MVECTs are assigned addresses
#pragma diag_suppress=770
// Compute all CLA task vectors
// On Type-2 CLAs the MVECT registers accept full 16-bit task addresses as
// opposed to offsets used on older Type-0 CLAs
CLA_mapTaskVector(CLA1_BASE, CLA_MVECT_1, (uint16_t)&Cla1Task1);
CLA_mapTaskVector(CLA1_BASE, CLA_MVECT_2, (uint16_t)&Cla1Task2);
#pragma diag_warning=770