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CCS/TMS320F280049C: problems debugging CLA

Part Number: TMS320F280049C

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

When attempting to debug the CLA, CCS always shows the CLA as suspended even though it is running.  The pause icon is grey and there is no way to suspend execution of the CLA other than to include a  __mdebugstop(); command. 

Is there another way to suspend CLA execution so I can set and clear s/w breakpoints in the CLA?


  • Hi,

    Are you sure you have connected to the CLA. You need to make sure you connect to the CLA. When you launch the debugger and load the to the target the C28x is automatically connected, but the CLA is not automatically connected.

    Once connected, you should be able to use MDEBUGSTOP or the SW breakpoints on f28004x.

  • Hi Sal,

    Yes i am connected to the CLA and I have loading symbols.  

    The behavior where CCS gives the appearance that the CLA has halted when it is in fact still running has been confirmed by TI here:

    I posted this question in t he CCS section because it seems to be more of a CCS problem than a processor related problem.  Keep in mind that I am able to set and clear breakpoints as expected as long as they are set before beginning execution in the CLA.I need some way to pause the CLA after some external asynchronous events have occurred could be done by clicking the pause button if it were available.  You cannot set breakpoints while the CLA is running, it must be paused first.


  • Which version of CCS are you using?

    There was an issue identified with an early version 9 of CCS. Please install and use the latest version of CCS. Also, make sure you install all updated. Then, let me know if you still experience the issue.

  • I am using Version: . I installed all recommended updates Friday. Is updating to CCS version 9 a manual install?
  • Yes, you will need to manually install the latest version 9 of CCS.

  • It's downloading. I'll start another tread if it doesn't solve this problem.
