Hi expert,
I am new to BOR feature on F280049 device and can't get much information from datasheet and google, this feature seems barely mentioned by engineers.
In the datasheet "Figure 5-1. Supply Voltages", we divided supplt voltage into three parts and the middle one is call a "BOR Guard Band". Could the "BOR Guard Band" be disabled or enabled by registers?
As for "Internal BOR Threshold" part, please help me check if my understanding is right or not: If BOR is enabled, when VDDIO drops into "Internal BOR Threshold" area, device will trigger a "POR reset source" and get reset. But if BOR is disabled the device can work normally at VDDIO as low as 2.8V but may cause uncertainty when VDDIO drop even lower, for example 2.7V.
Internal BOR Threshold