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Dear team
My customer is using C2000-GANG. It shows MSP-GANG-CDC when connects to PC..
Besides, they tested the following software. It flashed back and had errors when programmed the board.
TDI Fuse keys 1-8 all error
Hi Susan,
The USB driver is OK. Under Device Manager the driver for C2000-GANG is displayed as MSP-GANG CDC. It is the same USB driver as for the MSP-GANG. Also boot version displayed in the label as G430BOOT is OK. The HW PN: C2K and access code C2000-Gang Programmer is showing that all is OK.
The error displayed on the screen is related to header error in the saved image. Just create your own image and save it as image #1 and all should be OK.
Let me know if you find any problems.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
Thanks for your reply.
The target is TMS320F28027 . It showed ERROR 23:MCU DEVICE INIT FAILED
Please help
Hi Susan,
It looks like the communication error. I noticed that target is supplied from C2000-GANG. Is your target taking less that 150mA/ Maybe programmer is overloaded and then you have the communication error. Can you power-up target from external power supply and try again?
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
It could be burned by XDS100v3. But it showed "open target failed "when they used C2000 GANG.
Did you contact Elprotronic offline on this?
If not, please contact them. They are aware of this issue.
Thanks and regards,
Dear all:
pls tell me what is the issue for the programmer .
is it a bad programmer, I have try many times ,it didnot work .\
I was very confused by this stupid programmer.
pls tell me what should I do to fix this problem , do I need to change a new one
best regards !
Can we make the Webex session then we will see the details.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
Hi Gregory
thans for your advice ! of course we can make a session ,pls tell me how and what is the time to start the session
Best regards
Beijing Wang
Please send me your email address then I will send you Webex invitation,
Gregory Czajkowski
my email adress is, it is a private email, not a company email.
in other way you can give me the number of the meeting or the URL, I can logon the meeting
Best regards
Dear all:
I have fixed the problem ,it is the wrong hexfile issue , thanks for your effort ,very appreciate
Best regards!
Dear Gregory
Does this programmer support TMS320F28027F, I didnot find it from the spport MCU list as below
Dear Gregory
If the progrmmer does not support the TMS320F28027F, can you updata the firmware for support the TMS320F28027F chip.
thanks a lot
Best regards !
Beijing Wang
Are you working with Susan (the original initiator of this post)?
If not, please open a separate post for your queries. I discussed the F28027F support enhancement with Greg. Please open a new post.
Thanks and regards,
Hi Susan:
请帮忙确认下C2000 GANG编程器,现在支持TMS320F28027F芯片吗,我在C2000 GANG的手册中支持的MCU列表中没有发现这个芯片,现在只支持TMS320F28027, 请确认下如果现在不支持TMS320F28027F芯片,能更新固件支持这个芯片吗。多谢
F28027 and F28027F – There should not be any difference from the resources that you use for your flashing purpose (RAM, clocks, flash etc. should be same). We will add the F28027F to the list to avoid confusing.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
Are you sure for this ,do you have test the F28027F. I tryed many times ,it is failed
That info I got from TI. I will check it the real unit, but it will take some time to get it.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
Hi Gregory:
Can we make a WeChat session to see whether my operation is right .
Best regards !
Beijing Wang
You wrote yesterday that all was OK and the hex file was wrong when used F28027. Did you try the same with F28027F?
yes ,I tryed many times. pls arrange the test in your side for TMS320F28027F, and let me know if you have the result.
Best regards
Beijing Wang
Since Greg is working on this offline, I am changing the status of this thread to waiting.
Thanks and regards,
Hi, Vamsi
How long you can finish the test . I think it is a simple test.
for this programmer I have waste a month. today I test another chip TMS320F28052F, it is the same ,failed to programmer.
but all the selftest for the programmer is Ok. so pls give me the answer what is the problem for this one .
two years before I bought a old one ,it is easy to use ,but this time I feel totaly disappointed by this one .
pls help to solve this issue ASAP, it is best to arrange to another webmeeting to see the detail.
We suggest to use the WeChat. for the Webex,it is not very convenient for us
As I requested earlier, could you confirm whether you work with Susan (the original creator of this thread) or not?
We can't track two users in the same thread and hence asking. Please clarify.
Thanks and regards,
Hi Beijing,
There no big difference between the old and nee C2000-GANG. Difference is in the powering target device only. If you are using external power supply then it is the same. We tested the F28027 that you had a problem. We tested also F2805x. If that does not work on your side that it must be some other error. I would prefer connecting via Webex, because we can see on your screen what you have. Chat only provide many limitation. We can use other connection if you can use it.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic Inc.
你好,这个编程器的问题困扰我很久了,之前我以为是不支持28027F ,今天我换了一个芯片28052F,仍旧不工作,2年前我用过这个编程器,很好用,现在不知道为什么不好用了。我现在联系ELPROTRONIC的技术,希望他们能安排一个视频会议,看下详细的情况,请你帮忙安排下,明天上午九点可以吗,干些您的支持
Hi Vamsi
I have informed Susan. Is it possible that tommorrow morning 9 clock am (Beijig Time) you arrange the webex meeting .
Best regards!
Beijing Wang
Thanks for your support.
The customer used 28052F with C2000-GANG,still no luck.
So they want to connect via Webex. Is it possible that tommorrow morning 9 clock am (Beijig Time) you arrange the webex meeting?
Susan, Beijing,
Last time, we waited on webex for 30mins and left thinking that the customer might have solved it.
Greg can support the webex call. I will let him confirm the date/time that suits him.
Thanks and regards,
Please email me your address then I will setup the Webex.
Gregory Czajkowski
Elprotronic is working on reproducing it on their side.
Thanks and regards,
Hi Vamsi:
how long you can give me a answer. can you confirm if this programmer is a bad one .
it is a simple problem ,why you have take so long time , it is nosense.
Best regards
Beijing Wang
This is not a tool from TI. This tool is from Elprotronic.
Please note that there can be practical limitations due to covid on their side. As of 6/12/2020, Greg said he is not able to produce the same issue on his side and is working on it. You had a debug session late last week only with them. Please give them some time to work on it.
You can discuss with Greg directly on their support email
Thanks and regards,
Dear Vamsi:
Many days have passed away. Is it very difficult for you to diagnose this problem.
If you need any more information about this programmer,pls tell me .
Best regards!
On F28052F device, TI has secured Zone1 and allocated RAML0 to Zone1. Because of this, Zone1 and RAML0 are not available for customer applications.
I asked Greg to check if the GANG tool is using RAML0. If yes, he has to change the tool to not use RAML0.
He might have ordered F28052F device to check. Not sure whether he received it or not. I will check with him.
Thanks and regards,
In this thread, you discussed 3 different devices.
Since the original issue was closed by fixing the hex file, I would suggest you to open new threads for F28052F issue and F28027F issue. This helps to assign them to corresponding experts and drive them faster.
Note added on 6/30/2020: I did not get a response from Elprotronic.
Thanks and regards,
I debugged with Elprotronic and confirmed that it is using RAML0 on F28052F.
Asked Elprotronic to update the tool to use other RAM blocks.
Thanks and regards,
Dear Vamsi:
Very happy to hear a good news about the problem.
So how long you can update the firmware , and how about the TMS320F28027F.
Is it the same problem for the 28027F, do you need update the programmer for 28027F
Best regards
As I mentioned, TI does not own this programmer.
I will let Elprotronic comment on when they can update the firmware. As of now, they don't have the device with them. Hence, you may have to check the updated firmware on your side and confirm to close the issue fast.
Regarding F28027F: PARTID is different between F28027 and F28027F. Maybe this is what is causing the issue. Again, I will let Elprotronic comment on this.
Note: As I suggested earlier, we will not be able to track multiple devices in the same post. It will delay the support. Hence, I would suggest to open a separate post for F28027F - so that I can assign it to appropriate expert.
Thanks and regards,
I confirmed with Elprotronic that F28027F support is not added in the GANG up to now. Elprotronic is adding it now.
Regarding F28052F: Are you able to load your image using CCS or UniFlash successfully? Elprotronic rechecked and mentioned that RAML0 is not used in the tool for this device.
Thanks and regards,
Dear Vamsi:
I am very dissappointed about this programmer. I don't know what happened for this programmer.
Three years before this progrmmer is easy to use , but now it is a joke.
Now I am not willing to waste my time on this joke programmer. I will throw it into garbage.
thanks for you support ,you have done good job ,but this product must be have some problem . it was waste time .
goodbye ,good luck!
Best regards!
I can understand your frustration. We are sorry for the time it has taken to resolve this.
I think there is a resource problem at Elprotronic as of now. Hence, we did not hear back from them.
I will keep reminding Elprotronic offline on this. If they respond, I will update here on the forum.
Sorry that I could not help beyond this.
Thanks and regards,