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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi, Ti experts,
right now, i am testing USB_Boot in my board. my CCS version is v7.4.0 and controlsuite version is v3.4.9.
i have two types of board in my hand, one is using mcu TMS320F28379D and another is TMS320F28379S.
As TI has example code for usb_flash_programmer utilities with x379D mcu, so i test usb boot on x379D board first. and the result is OK. USB_Boot works. please refer to below:
i use example usb_flash_kernel.dat provided by ti.
and next step, i need test it on x379S board. but ti has no example usb flash kernels files for x379S muc. and ti also has no usb flash kernel example code for x379S mcu. so,i can only modify for x379S based on usb flash kernel example code of x379D. However, the result is failed. pls refer to below:
the modified usb flash kernel code for x379S is in below:
My question is: is there any other special attention for x379S usb flash kernels? which files or setting need to change when modify usb flash kernel example code of x379D?
if possible, can you please share a workable usb flash kernel files of x379S for me?
when modify x379D usb flash kernels to x379S, one compile error is triggered. and i found two functions SeizeFlashPump() and ReleaseFlashPump() can not be found in x379S. and compile is success when i delete the two functions. Does it matter for the failure usb boot? please help.
I think you need to update the Boot ROM (c1bootROM_BootROMSymbols_fpu32.lib) point to F2837xS device and F021 Flash library to (F021_API_F2837xS_FPU32.lib)
Please include these libraries and try to re-compile and run.
Best Regards
Hi, Siddharth,
Actually I tried to find the two lib for x379S, but did not find.
Would you please tell me where the two lib is?
anyway, I will search from my pc tomorrow.
Besides, the two functions mentioned above can not be found in x379S, is this correct? Please advise.
Siddharth Deshpande said:Hi
I think you need to update the Boot ROM (c1bootROM_BootROMSymbols_fpu32.lib) point to F2837xS device and F021 Flash library to (F021_API_F2837xS_FPU32.lib)
Please include these libraries and try to re-compile and run.
Best Regards
Hi, Sidharth,
i modify based on your suggestion:
originally, i use ..\F2837xS\v170 to compile and there is no file called F021_API_F2837xS_FPU32.lib. please refer to below:
then upgrade to use ..\F2837xS\v191 and the file F021_API_F2837xS_FPU32.lib is in there. please refer to below:
And, you said that i should update the Boot ROM (c1bootROM_BootROMSymbols_fpu32.lib) point to F2837xS, but i checked that there seems no Boot ROM point to F2837xS in my current version of ControlSUITE. please refer to below:
actually two files in two folders(F2837x_rev0 and F2837x_revb) listed in above figure are tested with NO success.
the new compiled project is listed in below:
please help advise how to do next step. Thanks a lot.
Can you connect to the device when the programming apparently fails, and see where the PC is and the code is running from ? After it apparently fails, connect via JTAG to the C28x core and load the kernel symbols. This will show you what the CPU is doing.
Also, let us know how did you generate the test1.dat file?
Best Regards