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CCS/TMS320F28388D: Can't Load CLA Application into Target device - Data Verification error

Part Number: TMS320F28388D
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE, TMS320F28379D

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am building a sample CLA application on TMS320F28388D controler. I am facing the below error when I tried to Load CLA program. The same issue is also present on the example programs present in the C2000ware folder: c2000\C2000Ware_3_02_00_00\driverlib\f2838x\examples\c28x\cla

CCS version:

Compiler: TI v20.2.1.LTS

However, I was able to load the program and able to debug the CLA application on TMS320F28379D controller without any issues.

Please help to resolve the issue asap.

Thanks and Best Regards

Amulrass V

  • Hi Amulrass,

    Are the C2000ware examples also failing with data verification error? Can you confirm it?

    Have you made any changes to the linker command when trying out between F2837x Vs F2838x devices? Note that the memory map is slightly different across the two and it might cause this error. Please check the Memory map(Section 6.3) in the respective device datasheets


  • Hi,

    Yes, the C2000ware examples are also failing with data verification error. The screenshot in my previous query is actually C2000ware example only 'cla_ex1_asin'. Yes, I updated linker command file for F2838x.

    Best Regards

    Amulrass V

  • Hi,

    In your Ist post, error message did not get posted properly. Can you please provide the error message again.


    Vivek Singh

  • Hi,

    Please find the error screenshot attached.

    Best Regards

    Amulrass V

  • Amulrass,

    Are you trying to "Load program" to the CLA core? You should only perform Load symbols on the CLA core.

    Please refer to the debugging section in the CLA FAQ page:


  • Hello Praveen,

    I tried to load symbols also for CLA on TMS320F28388D. This time it doesn't throw any data verification error but there is no effect of the symbols loading. The CLA is not all running and it is not showing any function frames at all. I could see only the main CPU1 variables updating. So, both Program as well as Symbol loading fails for CLA.

    If i do the same "Load program" option for CLA on TMS320F28379D hardware, the both the program and symbols are loaded successfully and I was able to debug without any issues. Attached is the screenshot for TMS320F28379D board.

    I would like to ask for an Online debug session through Webex or Skype meeting to resolve the issue on tommorow. Can anyone support?

    Best Regards

    Amulrass V

  • Hi Amulrass,

    The CLA core will have the PC pointing to 0x00000000 before starting a task from C28 side and hence it might look like there is no effect because of 'Load symbols'. Once the task is started from the C28x side, you should be see the CLA core moving ahead. It may or may not be visible to naked eye based on the size of the cla task. Hence I would suggest you to place breakpoints inside the cla tasks and observe if the breakpoint is getting hit.

    "Load Program" is not a recommended way to debug the CLA core.

    I am attaching CLA debugging training video link below. Please go through it and let us know if you have more questions



  • Hi Amulrass,

    Just checking back on this thread. If the above reply answers your query, please click on "This resolved my issue"


  • Hi Praveen,

    The issue is not resolved yet.

    I suspect, the symbol loading shows 'no effect' due to CLA is not executing anything at all. I see the CLA interrupt flag register MIFLG bit for Task1 and CLA interrupt overflow register MIOVF bit for Task1 is set. This means CLA can something is preventing CLA from executing the Task1.

    The registers MIER, MVECT1 are configured correctly for Task1. CLA Task source selection in CLA1TASKSRC1 register is also showing proper value. CLA clock enabling in PCLKCR0 is also configured correctly. LSx Ram blocks assignment for CLA program and data memory also is showing correctly.  Couldn't figure out what's going wrong inside the CLA.

    Best Regards

    Amulrass V

  • Hi Amulrass,

    Taking a closer look at your ccxml, have you changed something here? Because I see only one C28x core(&CLA) in the snapshot. Can you create a new ccxml and try again?


  • Hi Praveen,

    It looks like a problem in my ccxml only. After changing to new ccxml, the symbol loading is success and CLA shows running status and I was able to debug CLA as well. The problem is resolved now.

    Thanks for your support.

    Best Regards

    Amulrass V