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CCS/LAUNCHXL-F28027: BOOSTXL-C2KLED to change feedback pin from output current Source to Output Voltage divider

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-F28027
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-C2KLED, TMS320F28027, , TIDA-00282, CONTROLSUITE

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hello I was trying to change the feedback of one of the booster converter of BOOSTXL-C2KLED from constant current to the output voltage divider.

Boosters 1-2 (GRN and BLU) are still using the old feedback at A2 and A1. while booster 3 (RED), I plan to use the voltage divider at B4.

I have changed the connections as follows:

long    IrefNetBus3=0;             // used as address for Iref3
long    VrefNetBus3=0;             // used as address for Vref3 (new)
long    UoutNetBus3=0;             // used as address for Uout3
#pragma DATA_SECTION(CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct3, "CNTL_2P2Z_Coef");
struct CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct3;

// Slew control
long    Iset1=0;                  // Control loop 1 target
long    Iset2=0;                  // Control loop 2 target
long    Iset3=0;                  // Control loop 3 target
long    Vset3=0;                  // Control loop 3 target (new)

long    Itarget1=0;               // Control loop 1 target adjusted for Slew rate
long    Itarget2=0;               // Control loop 2 target adjusted for Slew rate
long    Itarget3=0;               // Control loop 3 target adjusted for Slew rate
long    Vtarget3=0;               // Control loop 3 target adjusted for Slew rate (new)

// Variables for easier "human" use
int16    Gui_Vin=0;      //Q09
int16    Gui_Vout1=0;    //Q08
int16    Gui_Vout2=0;    //Q08
int16    Gui_Vout3=0;    //Q08
int16    Gui_Vout8=0;    //Q08
int16    Gui_Iset1=0;    //Q15
int16    Gui_Iset2=0;    //Q15
int16    Gui_Iset3=0;    //Q15
int16    Gui_Vset3=0;    //Q08 (new)
int16    Gui_Iout1=0;    //Q15
int16    Gui_Iout2=0;    //Q15
int16    Gui_Iout3=0;    //Q15

   // Boost 3 connections
    ADCDRV_1ch_Rlt11 = &AdcNetBus[11];            // (was below, just moved here)
    CNTL_2P2Z_Ref3 = &VrefNetBus3;                // point to Vref3 (edited)
    CNTL_2P2Z_Fdbk3 = &AdcNetBus[11];              // point to Vout3 (edited)
    CNTL_2P2Z_Coef3 = &CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct3.b2;  // point to first coeff of 1st loop
    CNTL_2P2Z_Out3 = &UoutNetBus3;                // point to 2P2Z Uout3
    PWMDRV_1ch_UpDwnCnt_Duty2 = &UoutNetBus3;

    // Voltage connections
    ADCDRV_1ch_Rlt3 = &AdcNetBus[3];     // (was above, just moved here)
    ADCDRV_1ch_Rlt9 = &AdcNetBus[9];
    ADCDRV_1ch_Rlt10 = &AdcNetBus[10];
    ADCDRV_1ch_Rlt12 = &AdcNetBus[12];

    // All Channel shut-down control (no sequencing)
    if(StopAll == 1)
        IrefNetBus1 = 0;
        IrefNetBus2 = 0;
        IrefNetBus3 = 0;
        VrefNetBus3 = 0;
        ChannelEnable1 = 0;
        ChannelEnable2 = 0;
        ChannelEnable3 = 0;
        Gui_Iset1 = 0;
        Gui_Iset2 = 0;
        Gui_Iset3 = 0;
        Gui_Vset3 = 0; // (new)
        MergeLEDs = 0;
        AutoColor = 0;
        SetColor1 = 0;
        SetColor2 = 0;
        StopAll = 0;

    // Channel 3 On/Off control
    if(ChannelEnable3 == 1)
        //Itarget3 = Iset3; // (was)
    	Vtarget3 = Vset3; // (is)
        //Itarget3 = 0; // (was)
    	Vtarget3 = 0;  //(is)

    /* (was)
    SlewError = (IrefNetBus3 - Itarget3);
    if (SlewError > SlewStep3)
        IrefNetBus3 = IrefNetBus3 - SlewStep3;
    else if (SlewError < (-SlewStep3) )
        IrefNetBus3 = IrefNetBus3 + SlewStep3;
        IrefNetBus3 = Itarget3; */

    // (is)
    SlewError = (VrefNetBus3 - Vtarget3);
    if (SlewError > SlewStep3)
        VrefNetBus3 = VrefNetBus3 - SlewStep3;
    else if (SlewError < (-SlewStep3) )
        VrefNetBus3 = VrefNetBus3 + SlewStep3;
        VrefNetBus3 = Vtarget3;

    //Multiply with longs to get proper result then shift by 14 to turn it back into an int16
    Iset1 = ((long)Gui_Iset1*(long)iK_Iset) >> 5;
    Iset2 = ((long)Gui_Iset2*(long)iK_Iset) >> 5;
    Iset3 = ((long)Gui_Iset3*(long)iK_Iset) >> 5;
    Vset3 = ((long)Gui_Vset3*(long)K_Vout) >> 16; // (new, maybe wrong, but for experiment can see the raw data on the debug)

    /* (was)
    if((Gui_Iset3 == 0) && (AdcNetBus[3] == 0) && (UoutNetBus3 >= _IQ24(0.001))){
        AdcNetBus[3] = 40960;
    // (is)
    if((Gui_Vset3 == 0) && (AdcNetBus[11] == 0) && (UoutNetBus3 >= _IQ24(0.001))){
        AdcNetBus[11] = 40960;

And here is the result when in debug:

Duty2 long 0.0 (Q-Value(24)) 0x00008850@Data
Gui_Iout2 int 0.00494385 (Q-Value(15)) 0x0000881E@Data
Gui_Vout2 int 23.8633 (Q-Value(8)) 0x00008822@Data
Gui_Iset2 int 0.00497437 (Q-Value(15)) 0x00008816@Data
IrefNetBus2 long 126447 0x00008864@Data
UoutNetBus2 long 0.2317534685 (Q-Value(24)) 0x00008860@Data
Hist_Vout2 long[8] [1223,1219,1224,1222,1220...] 0x00008950@Data
Duty3 long 0.0 (Q-Value(24)) 0x0000884C@Data
Gui_Iout3 int 0.0 (Q-Value(15)) 0x00008821@Data
Gui_Vout3 int 11.3047 (Q-Value(8)) 0x00008823@Data
Gui_Iset3 int 0.0 (Q-Value(15)) 0x00008819@Data
Hist_Vout3 long[8] [572,588,579,582,588...] 0x000088E0@Data
Vtarget3 long 1198 0x00008828@Data
Vset3 long 1198 0x00008836@Data
Gui_Vset3 int 15.0 (Q-Value(8)) 0x00008818@Data
VrefNetBus3 long 1198 0x00008852@Data
UoutNetBus3 long 0.0 (Q-Value(24)) 0x00008854@Data
AdcNetBus long[16] [0,0,135168,0,0...] 0x00008980@Data
CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct3.b2 long 327680 0x00008A4E@Data
AdcNetBus[11]>>12 long 571
AdcNetBus[10]>>12 long 1224

Is it possible to change the feedback pins or something missing in my code?

  • Victor,

    Are you trying to change the control scheme from current mode control to voltage mode control? I wouldn't recommend doing that with the TI kit as this may not have been the intention of the existing h/w and s/w. Please make sure you follow the user guide for this kit. 

    Let me know if I am missing something here.


  • Hello Hrishi,

    I am making a similar hardware (boost converter).

    I plan to use the same F/W and H/W from PWM2A.

  • DO you have other sample project/code for boost converter?
  • Hi Victor,

    You could refer to this TI design.
    I hope this helps.
  • Hello,

    It is based on TMS320F28030-Q and might be difficult to port to TMS320F28027 (LAUNCHXL-F28027).
    Also I am only in need of voltage mode similar to BOOSTXL-C2KLED.
    Only difference is where is the point of the feedback coming from. is peak current mode wherein every pulse of the FET current is monitored together with the output voltage.
    Whereas BOOSTXL-C2KLED is only monitoring the output voltage. Of course the current thru the LEDs are translated to voltage.

    So, if possible just change the feedback pin using software used in BOOSTXL-C2KLED.



  • Victor,

    TIDA-00282 uses voltage mode control.

    Could you please explain the behavior you see when you change the ADC feedback pin? What is the expected behavior? Please make sure that the correct ADC channel is selected in the code.

    You can try running the converter in open loop first and look at the ADC feedback. Let me know what you find with the open loop tests.

  • Hello Hrishi,

    I dont have the hardware TMS320F28030-Q, I only have TMS320F28027.

    The voltage feedback is measured at ADC_B1 (via R64 and R68) and is voltage mode.

    TIDA-00282 is using Boost3PhIL_PwmCnf which I cannot find in newer DPLib.pdf (C:\ti\controlSUITE\libs\app_libs\digital_power\f2802x_v3.5\Doc), so it might be difficult to port to f2802x.

    Looking at connection of ControlLaw2P2Z for TIDA-00282

    // ControlLaw2P2Z connections
    CNTL_2P2Z_Ref1 = &VoutSetSlewed;		// point to Vref
    CNTL_2P2Z_Fdbk1 = &Adc_Vout;			// point to Vout
    CNTL_2P2Z_Coef1 = &CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct1.b2;	// point to first coeff
    CNTL_2P2Z_Out1 = &Duty;			    	// point to 2P2Z Uout

    I made it similar to LAUNCHXL-F28027

    ADCDRV_1ch_Rlt11 = &AdcNetBus[11];            // (was below, just moved here)
    CNTL_2P2Z_Ref3 = &VrefNetBus3;                // point to Vref3 (edited)
    CNTL_2P2Z_Fdbk3 = &AdcNetBus[11];              // point to Vout3 (edited)
    CNTL_2P2Z_Coef3 = &CNTL_2P2Z_CoefStruct3.b2;  // point to first coeff of 1st loop
    CNTL_2P2Z_Out3 = &UoutNetBus3;                // point to 2P2Z Uout3
    PWMDRV_1ch_UpDwnCnt_Duty2 = &UoutNetBus3;

    Debug output are shown in the previous post.