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I am trying to write a simple program that utilises the CAN interface on the SafeTI-HSK which has the TMS570LS3137CZWTQQI chip and the RM48L952ZWTT chip as the fault injector. I am in the process of installing the HSK_Safety_Application however I am just getting error after error

I have had the same problems found on this post and my project is set up in the same way.

Most of the errors I have run into have been with include files and undefended types and I believe I have managed to solve them. The problem I am now stuck on is I am missing the sl_tpsLib.h file, referenced in ../tasks/HSA_WatchdogService.c, I have searched all files on the computer (including hidden and file contents) and it is nowhere to be found. I have tried google'ing the name and there are no results.

Any help on where to find the file or just general setup and installation to actually use the HSK would be appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Aaron Thompson

  • Aaron,

    What did you do to get past this issue.

    Oddly, I can find the source for this file through the doxygen documentation (as an HTML listing) but I also cannot find the plaintext .h file in the extracted sources.

  • Same with me, I searched the whole computer including looking in the files but as you said it only appears as a #include in 2 files and in the documentation. I deleted the #include which threw up a few undefined function errors. I then found pretty hacky work arounds for them, by using other includes or just deleting the problem functions. I know this really isn't a nice way to do it but I am just trying to get anything to work then I will fix those issues.