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TMDSRM48HDK: board revision

Part Number: TMDSRM48HDK

Hi team,


A distributor is asking on behalf of a customer, exactly what revision of the TMDSRM48HDK we are at?

They explained:


Where the product normally specifies a revision on the label this one does not. Can you please tell me what revision this kit would be for date code 1714?




  • Hello Billy,

    There are two labels which tell you the board revision:

    1. Top layer: right-bottom corner:

    2. Bottom layer: 

  • Hi Billy,

    I would also question the relevance of this question since the board revision really has no bearing on the development of their system. I would think the more relavent question is what is the revision of the microcontroller on their HDK. In the past we did not include the device revision as part of the part number on the outside of the package for our RM devices. We have since changed direction on this and all of the latest revisions will have the silicon revision designated within the part number. This doesn't prevent the determination of the silicon revision through the Die ID register or using other markings on the top of the package.

    From the datasheet spns177d.pdf below, you can see that there is a register that can be read by their SW or be viewed in a debugger to determine the silicon revision.

    The below excerpt is from the errata document apnz196g for silicon Rev.C which shows where the silicon revision can be read on the package marking for devices prior to including the revision within the part number.

    Hopefully this is helpful.

  • Thanks QJ and Chuck,

    I will be honest now I’m not sure if they were asking for the board rev or silicon rev. I had assumed board rev. This is a disty though so they don’t want to open the package.

    Chuck you had said we have since changed direction on this and all of the latest revisions will have the silicon revision designated within the part number. This one doesn’t look like it. Its just TMDSRM48HDK. Do you know what silicon revision is on that (if it helps, with a board date code of 1714)?

  • Billy,

    As discussed, I am not sure what the revision of silicon is based on the date code. I am really not even certain how to interpret the date code and correlate it to a specific date. Do I understand that the disty doesn't want to open the box at all to have a look at the physical board? Are they reading the date code from label on the packaging or simply are able to read it through the ESD bag without breaking the seal on it?

    As we have discussed previously, I think we would have to reach out to our planning group or to the manufacturer to make a final determination based on the limited information we have. In the end, I think the customer will want to know the device revision as the board rev. is really not relevant unless we rev. the board when we change the BOM to a new revision silicon. Maybe QJ will have more to offer when he returns on Tuesday next week.
  • Hi Chuck,

    Thanks for the response. No unfortunately I didn’t hear anything back from the marketing team you copied in our email a week ago. The distributor gave up and had to open it (but not breach the static bag). I had them read the topside of the chip. I’ll close this thread now.
