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TMS570LS3137: Not able to connect to target

Part Number: TMS570LS3137

Hi Team,

We have been using TMS570LS3137 controller in our testing and could see the below error recently.

Error connecting to the target:
(Error -180 @ 0x0)
The controller has detected a target power loss.
The user must turn-on or connect the power supply for the target.
(Emulation package 6.0.407.3)

After this, we are not able to connect to the target.

CCS tool used: CCS6.2

The test case we did before the above error was noticed is:

LinTx and LinRx are configured for GIO pins and we are trying to GND the pins.

LinTx was successfully tested and while testing LinRx, we are facing the problem.

Please let me know how to identify is it real hardware issue or any work around to recover this.


  • Hello M.Sreenivasan,

    How are you connecting the LinRx pin to ground and how have you configured the pin within the microcontroller?

    is it still in its default state?
    have you configured it in a non-functional/GIO mode of operation?
    is it an input or output?
    is it driven high or low by the SW?
    are you connecting to GND using a jumper, soldered wire, or some other method?
    have you confirmed that you have the correct pin and that you are not shorting to an adjacent pin?

    Given the error notice about a power loss, have you measured the device voltage rails to make sure they are within the specified range and have you checked to insure all device pins are connected to the appropriate voltage levels?

    You should also validate that you are getting a clock output from your oscillator which would prevent the device from running if it were damaged or not connected in some way.

    And the final question, is the code you are executing when testing the LinTx pin connection to GND the same as the code you are running when testing the LINRx pin? Also, did this issue come up after the LinTx test? If so, Please also check the LINTx pin configuration for the same issues I noted above for the LINRx pin. Note that it is more likely that this pin is driven high inadvertently causing a short between the 3.3V rail and GND since this pin is an output by default.
  • Hi Chuck,

    We configured both LinxRx and linTx pins as input and trying to ground them by connecting wires.
    By default their values are 1.

    Also, verified that LED's for 1.2 and 3 volts and are not lighting up. Seems like there could be an issue with the 3.3v power supply.

    "Note that it is more likely that this pin is driven high inadvertently causing a short between the 3.3V rail and GND since this pin is an output by default."
    Is there any way that we can recover if this happens? How to confirm further the root cause of the issue?
    Can we get TI support in fixing this?

  • Sreenivasan,

    You noted that both IOs are configered as inputs, so I assume this confirms that you have configured the pins into GPIO mode? What do you mean that by default both their values are 1? You mean that by default these pins are driven high by your SW? i.e., 3.3V? This will create a high current through these pins when connected to GND that could damage them and the surrounding circuitry near these IOs on the die. Does he 3.3V and 1.2 diodes remain off when the LIN pins are no longer connected to GND? If so, it is likely you damaged one or more of the regulators. Is this an HDK or a custom board?

    If this is one of the TI development boards, there are schematics the HDK product page. You should be able to identify what the part number for the regulators are and order replacements from the TI store , digikey or some other distributor. Of course, you would need the capability to make the repairs in your lab/working environment.

    The HDK page is at this link:
  • Hi Chuck,

    Yes, we have configured pins as GIO mode.
    For example, for I2C SCL and SDA pins are configured as GIO,

    i2cREG1->PFNC |= 0x1;
    i2cREG1->DIR &= 0xFFFC;

    and when we try to read the DIN values, by default it is showing 3.3V. Software is not driving as we configured it as input mode.
    No voltage is driving these pins from outside also.
    Is it expected behaviour that we get 3.3V?

  • Hi Check,

    Can you please respond to the above comment?

  • Hi Chuck,

    For your information, we disabled pull configuration as well and no change in the behavior as mentioned above.
