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SAFETI_DIAG_LIB: Inconsistent file naming in TPS Driver


Hello there,

I am trying to use the prebuilt TPS Driver for an RM48. In the TPS Driver user guide (v2.3.1 and v2.4.0) it is written that I should include Tps_Driver.h (and link the library).
This gave me some troubles regarding filenames. I went into quite some detail in the description below, not to nitpick but to be precise and to make it easier for you to solve this issue.
The Tps_Driver.h file however includes other files:

#include "TPS_Interface.h"
#include "TPS_Types.h"
#include "TPS_DebugSupport.h"
#include "reg_bitdefn_esm.h"
#include <string.h>

The first problem here is that the files "TPS_Interface.h" and  "TPS_Types.h" are named "Tps_Interface.h" and "Tps_Types.h".
(note that the "TPS_DebugSupport.h" file still has TPS written in all caps. In Tps_priv.h Tps_Config.h is included as "Tps_Config.h" while in TPS_DebugSupport.h it is included as "TPS_Config.h")

The second problem is that the "TPS_Interface.h" header file (which is located in the source directory) in the "TPS_Driver.h" header file (which is located in the include directory).

When linking the TPS driver library you should only need the header files from the include directory. The header files located in the source directory are only relevant when you want to compile the library from source.

Therefore I would like to request to make the naming of the files and includes consistent as well as to remove the unnecessary (implementation defining) includes from the header files of the library in a future release.

Thanks in advance and best regards,
