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TMDXRM46HDK: dabort - how to decode abort registers

Part Number: TMDXRM46HDK

How do I decode these abort register values in RM46 HDK.

SPSR_ABT 0x20000112
R13_ABT  0x80000700
R14_ABT  0x0001EC04

  • Hello,

    • SPSR_ABT holds the value of the CPSR before the abort exception occurs.
    • R13_ABT is the pointer to the top of the stack in CPU memory used by the abort handler
    • R14_ABT is the address of the Program Counter (PC) which points to the instruction that caused the abort + 8 bytes (due to CPU pipeline)

    For more details on exception handling, please refer to the ARM v7A/R Architecture Reference Manual, ARM literature number DDI0406C.

