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TMDXRM46HDK: For RM HDK Devices; Is there a better option.

Part Number: TMDXRM46HDK

There are examples on how to use TI_FEE_ libraries.

What I am trying to accomplish is small, so I was wondering if there was an easier way.

I have a four byte value that holds hours of operation.  I have a one byte value that holds a Node ID.

Am I stuck using TI_FEE_ to do this?  Is there a better way?

  • Hello,

    For both values you need non volatile memory. I think the best way is to use FEE. Off course, you can connect external non volatile memory.

    Best regards,

  • I think you are suggesting that I slide a SD chip into the slot on the HDK, and write and read there.  Was there some other external connect non volatile memory option you were thinking of?

  • Hello,

    Actually I meant external non volatile memory like EEPROM. Then according to interface used by the connected memory you can use appropriate APIs to read/write the external memory (considering the right protocol)

    Best regards,

  • I am sorry, if this question, shows my ignorance.  You were suggesting that I take pins from the HDK board to a supporting device with EEPROM?  Or were you suggesting something else?

  • Neil,

    The on-chip data flash is there mainly to avoid having to use an external EEPROM. The FEE driver is a utility provided to ease the application's management of this data flash. It is not mandatory to use the FEE driver to erase or write to this data flash. You can choose to write your own routines using the F021 Flash API to erase / program and manage this memory. Use of the F021 Flash API is indeed mandatory for Flash erase/program operations.



  • In terms of best practice, do you recommend using on-chip flash and Flash API.

    I want a small writable area for just a handful of data values.  I saw a 'data retain on reset' discussion for a different device.

    I would not want to sacrifice FLASH0, but might be willing to shrink it just small amount.

    Any suggestions or code samples would be appreciated.


    /* Memory Map */



    VECTORS (X) : origin=0x00000000 length=0x00000020

    KERNEL (RX) : origin=0x00000020 length=0x00008000

    FLASH0 (RX) : origin=0x00008020 length=0x00137FE0

    STACKS (RW) : origin=0x08000000 length=0x00000800

    KRAM (RW) : origin=0x08000800 length=0x00000800

    RAM (RW) : origin=(0x08000800+0x00000800) length=(0x0002F800 - 0x00000800)

    /* USER CODE BEGIN (2) */

    /* USER CODE END */
