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MSP-EXP430G2: Trouble Writing Block, Target Failed to Write

Genius 15029 points

Part Number: MSP-EXP430G2

Hello Team,

I have a customer using MSP-EXP430G2 development kit. Below is the summary of his report:


MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0xffe4 on Page 0 of Length 0x4: Could not write device memory
MSP430: File Loader: Verification failed: Target failed to write 0xFFE4

I was thinking about the fault with the chips and try another new one and it gives me the same error. 
Is there any suggestion to debug this error?"

I tried helping him by giving all the related links posted here in E2E that may solved his problem but still no avail. Also, advised him to post on this forum but unable since he is using an organization email account. For the meantime, I will me relaying his follow-up post on his behalf to our E2E.

Thanks for the support.


Archie A.

  • You can ask him for binary hex / txt file that cause verification error, replace FFFEh address contest with FFFFh value and test flashing on your side.

  • Hi Zrno. Thanks for the response. He tried but this is his reply:

    I did not catup your meaning: 
    The fellowing hex file is in text file
    21 83 B2 40 80 5A 20 01 D2 D3 22 00 D2 E3 21 00
    B1 40 10 27 00 00 81 93 00 00 F8 27 91 83 00 00
    81 93 00 00 F3 27 FA 3F 31 40 00 04 B0 12 4A C0
    0C 43 B0 12 00 C0 1C 43 B0 12 44 C0 32 D0 10 00
    FD 3F 03 43 03 43 FF 3F 03 43 1C 43 30 41
    FF FF 3C C0
    3C C0 3C C0
    3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0
    3C C0 3C C0 28 C0
      The fellowing hex file is in hex file  
    Could you let me know how do I deal with that? 
    Meanwhile, how do I program the modified hex to emulation board.

    Looking forward to hear reply from experts.


  • Just to check that txt file is OK, try to upload it to G2 LP, you (Archie), not costumer. For example with MSP-Flasher, and than (if it is working OK), send MSP-Flasher command line with arguments to costumer to check it.
    21 83 B2 40 80 5A 20 01 D2 D3 22 00 D2 E3 21 00
    B1 40 10 27 00 00 81 93 00 00 F8 27 91 83 00 00
    81 93 00 00 F3 27 FA 3F 31 40 00 04 B0 12 4A C0
    0C 43 B0 12 00 C0 1C 43 B0 12 44 C0 32 D0 10 00
    FD 3F 03 43 03 43 FF 3F 03 43 1C 43 30 41
    FF FF 3C C0
    3C C0 3C C0
    3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0 3C C0
    3C C0 3C C0 FF FF
  • Thanks for your reply, Zrno. Unfortunately here in our engagement we don't have access to install applications involving IDEs. We are just relying to some expert here in the forum.

  • Archie,

    Are you using CCS to flash the board?  Do you see this same error if you try to load a different project?  Code examples can be found below that can be tested. 

  • Hello Eddie,

    Thank you for your response. Up until now, we're still waiting for the update from the customer.

    Will let you know once I receive feedback on this.

    Thanks for supporting.


    Archie A.

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