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MSP430F67791A: 20x4 LCD display interfacing with MSP430F67791A

Part Number: MSP430F67791A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F67791


  I'm currently working with this MSP430F67791A and wanted to interface an LCD display to watch the desired numerical result. The suggested connection/interfacing  for LCD display was done with ti custom LCD panel which I couldn't find anywhere online to apply it to my PCB connections and use in my project. The used/suggested Ti's custom LCD panel was a 44 pin 160 segment LCD panel which has 4 COM pins and 39 segment pins which were being connected to the MSP430F67791A ic.

But since due to unavailability of this Ti's custom LCD panel, I'm trying to interface MSP430F67791A with 20x4 LCD panel. Could we use this 20x4 LCD panel with MSP430F67791 ic and if so then how to interface it? 


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