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MSP430F6775: Details about a Three-Phase Electronic Watt-Hour Meter

Part Number: MSP430F6775


I have some questions related to the application note

  Implementation of a Three-Phase Electronic Watt-Hour Meter Using MSP430F677x(A) (Rev. G)


Regarding to the "factor K" which are descried at Page10 chapter

What is the relationship between this "Scaling factor K" and "the Calibration Factor set on the GUI as described in P.31"?

What do I need to do with the scaling factor or calibration factor?

Are there any documentation on how to use them?


For "the integer part is realized by providing an N samples delay. The fractional part is realized by a one-tap FIR filter." in P11.

It looks like the voltage is shifted 90° in the reactive power calculation.

I want to know what FIR filters and array count delay are used for this process.

Is the array count delayed to compensate for the shift due to the shift in order of the FIR filter after the moving average is taken?


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