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I need more ram space for a project. I applied the methodology that is described in document “slaa628b.pdf” however somethings is wrong.
RAM2 is defined in linker like below;
TINYRAM : origin = 0x0006, length = 0x001A
PERIPHERALS_8BIT : origin = 0x0020, length = 0x00E0
PERIPHERALS_16BIT : origin = 0x0100, length = 0x0100
RAM : origin = 0x1C00, length = 0x0800
RAM2 : origin = 0x2400, length = 0x0800
INFOA : origin = 0x1980, length = 0x0080
INFOB : origin = 0x1900, length = 0x0080
INFOC : origin = 0x1880, length = 0x0080
INFOD : origin = 0x1800, length = 0x0080
FRAM : origin = 0x4400, length = 0xBB80
. . .
And after building, every thing seems to be normal, memory configuration is given from map file below;
name origin length used unused attr fill
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---- --------
TINYRAM 00000006 0000001a 00000000 0000001a RWIX
PERIPHERALS_8BIT 00000020 000000e0 00000000 000000e0 RWIX
PERIPHERALS_16BIT 00000100 00000100 00000000 00000100 RWIX
INFOD 00001800 00000080 00000000 00000080 RWIX
INFOC 00001880 00000080 00000000 00000080 RWIX
INFOB 00001900 00000080 00000000 00000080 RWIX
INFOA 00001980 00000080 00000000 00000080 RWIX
RAM 00001c00 00000800 00000638 000001c8 RWIX
RAM2 00002400 00000800 00000236 000005ca RWIX
FRAM 00004400 0000bb80 000068b2 000052ce RWIX
. . .
However, the code is crashed, jumps an address that is not in code range. I debugged my code and investigate RAM2 address in memory browser, I saw these new address range (0x2400-0x2C00) is filled by 3FFF’s (jump’s) so the code is jumped from these address to out of range addresses.
What did I miss? Why does this situation happen?
0x3fff is what you get when you read from an address where there is nothing. Which is confirmed by the device memory map.
There is only so much SRAM available and you can't wave your arms and create more. Perhaps you should be trying to use FRAM.
I realized my mistake. many thanks. If I configure the memory like below, it works. I assumed previous address range (0x2400-0x2C00) as FRAM. This was my mistake.
TINYRAM : origin = 0x0006, length = 0x001A
PERIPHERALS_8BIT : origin = 0x0020, length = 0x00E0
PERIPHERALS_16BIT : origin = 0x0100, length = 0x0100
RAM : origin = 0x1C00, length = 0x0800
RAM2 : origin = 0x4400, length = 0x0800
INFOA : origin = 0x1980, length = 0x0080
INFOB : origin = 0x1900, length = 0x0080
INFOC : origin = 0x1880, length = 0x0080
INFOD : origin = 0x1800, length = 0x0080
FRAM : origin = 0x4C00, length = 0xB380
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