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MSP430FR6043: Filtering and Parametric Configuration Issue

Part Number: MSP430FR6043


1. The original routine was a single pair of transducer measurements, and the customer added four pairs of transducer measurements, that is, four pairs of transducer measurements in sequence over the original measurement period (period of 1 second). Because each pair of transducers needs to be configured with different measurement parameters, each pair is initially configured with the USSSibGUIApp_Init(); function, and finds that more than one pair cannot be measured. But it can be measured by masking the GENERIC_SAPH_ASCTL1 |= ESOFF; and HPLLUSSXTCTL &= ~USSXTEN; statements in the measurement function. The customer would like to know what's the possible reason for that.

2. Although the 4-pair transducer can be properly measured using the method mentioned above, the uploaded measurement waveform is normal when the filter in the algorithm configuration is turned on (USS_ALG_FILT_IS_FILTER_ENABLED == true). However, the flight time and time difference of the uploaded measurements are 0 values, and the error seen during the simulation is that the waveform was not recognized. The customer would like to know why is that?

3. Modify the measurement configuration parameters without using the companion set-up machine, send the configuration parameters with own protocol, modify the corresponding parameter values in the gUssSWConfig structure according to the conversion relationship of the routine, and initialize the configuration with the USSlibGUIApp_Init(); function. But it doesn't work, what the reason for that?

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,

Cherry Zhou

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