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Part Number: MSP430FR2476
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2955

hello Guy 

I have a problem with MSP430FR2476 BIT 6 P5OUT, I use this pin only like output with no other function, at any point of the program  if I set this bit the

with instruction bis.b     #BIT6,P5OUT  orx use xor.b    #BIT6,P5OUT, the emulation is stopped and system give me the following error 


I have check in all my program and don't have any other manipolation of this bit I using it to switch on/off , 

.sect ".init_main_program" ;** init section 




mov.w #(FRCTLPW+NWAITS_1),FRCTL0 ;* set 1 wait state
mov.w #(FRWPPW+DFWP+PFWP),SYSCFG0 ;*  fram  and information memory protect

movx.b #10000000b,P1OUT ;* 
movx.b #00000000b,P2OUT ;* 
movx.b #00000010b,P3OUT ;*
movx.b #00000101b,P4OUT ;*
movx.b #10000110b,P5OUT ;* 
movx.b #00000000b,P6OUT ;* 

movx.b #11111111b,P1DIR ;*
movx.b #11111111b,P2DIR ;*
movx.b #11111111b,P3DIR ;*
movx.b #11011010b,P4DIR ;* TPIRQ,BUSY INPUT;
movx.b #01111111b,P5DIR ;* DRDY INPUT
movx.b #11111111b,P6DIR ;* 
; movx.b #10000000b,P1REN ;* 
; movx.b #00000010b,P3REN ;*
; movx.b #00100101b,P4REN ;*
; movx.b #10000110b,P5REN ;*

; mov.b #01110000b,P1SEL0 ;* spi
; mov.b #00000000b,P1SEL1 ;* 
; mov.b #00000000b,P2SEL0 ;*
; mov.b #00000000b,P2SEL1 ;* 
; mov.b #01100100b,P3SEL0 ;* 
; mov.b #00000000b,P3SEL1 ;*
mov.b #00000010b,P4SEL0 ;* ;* buzzer;
; mov.b #00011001b,P4SEL1 ;*
; mov.b #00000000b,P5SEL0 ;* SPI1 sclk
; mov.b #00000000b,P5SEL1 ;*
; mov.b #00000100b,P6SEL0 ;* timer B0 per speed
; mov.b #00000000b,P6SEL1 ;*

after the configuration if I set the bit  #BIT6,P5OUT have this problem 

If I program the cpu and remove the the FET the controller contiunous reset itself,

if I disable the istruction   #BIT6,P5OUT, work properly.

I have checked and have not found any hardware errors. 

what can be ? I'm really don't understand 

Thank you 


  • What is connected to P5.6? The comment refers to "MICRO SW P5.6". 

    If you have a physical switch that is (somehow) closed to GND, and you drive it high, that's a (low-impedance) short circuit. This is likely to cause a reset, and could damage the pin.

    Try setting the pin as input with a resistor (P5DIR.6=0, P5REN.6=1); then setting P5OUT.6 will at least make the path high-impedance.

  • Hello Bruce 

    with this pin control pin 4 and 8 of Bidirectional Analog SwitchTS3A24159DGSR,

    so don't have any lod on it.  

    I have check on pcb and don't find any short circuit, now I will cut the wire from the microcontroller and analog switch and check again 

  • Hi Liugi,

    Any update here, does this issue have been resolved? Can you be able to toggle P5.6 now?


    Best Regards


  • Hi Johnson, Bruce 

    I have solved the issue, the supplier of pcb have mounted for error TS3A24157DGSR and not TS3A24159DGSR,

    this 2 item are not pin compatible, Sorry but I cannot to immagine this situation. 

    I have now problem on the SPI and I2Cbus because I'm using a firmware made for MSP430G2955 

    and I have adapted  for this Msp430fr2476, I think to fix all soon sure there is some translation error.

    Thank you for your support 



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