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MSP430F6779: RAM v. Flash Access Speeds

Part Number: MSP430F6779

Hi team,

A quick question regarding the relative RAM and Flash speed for the MSP430F6779 and other MSP430 devices.

Does the RAM and Flash run at the same speed? Or rather to rephrase it, is the access time to the CPU the same?



  • Hello Jacob,

    Access time to both RAM and FLASH are the same in FLASH devices. Writing to said memories, is a different story. 

  • Thanks Jace! Can you elaborate on that second point about writing to the different memories?

  • Executing program from RAM and flash will take same number of CPU cycles.

    Writing data to RAM (for example integer number) will take few CPU cycles, similar to read data from RAM.

    Writing data to flash in note related to CPU cycles. There is special algorithm for this and speed is related to flash speed itself, and it is different for each F5xx/6xx device. However, even this, in case of F5xx/6xx family is really fast (related to some other microcontroller  vendors). Using F5xx/6xx block write with smart bit enabled will go up to 300 KByte/s.

    Reading data from flash is identical to reading data from RAM, related to number of CPU cycles.

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