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MSP430FR2476: ADC Offset Error.. and Compensation.. ADC Info/Detail..

Part Number: MSP430FR2476

Hi Team MSP,

My customer has the following questions WRT FR2476 ADC Offset..

We’re seeing a small offset of about a 4 mv and would like to compensate for this.  Looking for the general/recommended process.  Also..

  • Do I need to convert the 2’s complement ADC offset back to a regular number? Or because it is negative, simply add it to subtract the offset.
  • Do you have sample code and is the Gain calibration significant? I couldn’t find any references that included offset and gain adjustment or TLV access.
  • How do I access the TLV values?
  • Are there internal caps, that hold the ADC VREF up if the external power is dropping, i.e. while the device is being turned off?


Thanks, Merril

  • Hi Merril,

    • You can simply follow those equations, so adding as long as they are both in the same form.
    • Here is a guide on Designing with the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx ADC, though we don't have an exact example code 
    • You can access the TLV values by reading the values at the correct memory address (Table 9-30 Device Descriptors in the Datasheet (Rev C) and Table 1-6 Tag Values in the User's Guide (Rev I))
    • Are they wanting to keep the ADC/REF running while the device is completely off, not just a low power mode state? or do they just want to know the stability of the reference due to voltage dropping?



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