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MSP430F5358: To unlock JTAG interface in MSP430F5358

Part Number: MSP430F5358
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET


We are using this controller (MSP430F5358) and the MSP-FET Emulation tool.

when we tried to flash through JTAG via CCS, it gave the error of MSP430: Error connecting to the target: The Debug Interface to the device has been secured

So when we explored we came to know that the JTAG interface is locked and to unlock it we need the JTAG signature programmed with 0000_0000h/FFFF_FFFFh and this can be done by BSL UART.

Hardware Connection

            MSP-FET                    CONTROLLER
UART_TXD(Pin no: 12)     P1.1(TX)
UART_RXD(Pin no: 14)     P1.2(RX)
RST(pin no: 11)     RST#/NMI/SBWTDIO
VCC = 3.3V

NOTE : For MSP and FET the voltage is 3.3V but from the different power sources.

We tried running the script but got the error 

BSL Scripter

PC software for BSL programming
2022-Jul-16 13:03:28
Input file script is : //home/ti/BSL-Scripter/ScriptExampleLinux/Flash_OpenJtag/script.txt

MODE 5xx family /dev/ttyACM1
[ERROR_MESSAGE]Protocol is set to the default: UART
Baud rate setup for UART is not given / wrong
It will be setup to the default 9600baud
Read Txt File : /home/ti/BSL-Scripter/ScriptExampleLinux/Flash_OpenJtag/JTAG_UNLOCK.txt
Time elapsed of writing 4 bytes : 1 seconds
Speed of writing data :0.003904(kB/s)

Note: we tried two BSL scripter versions, BSL Scripter Scripter

Note: We probe the TX and RX pins in MSP430 and in the RX pin we are getting the bits but in the TX pin we are getting continuous 3.3V but no bits is recorded.

  • when we tried to flash through JTAG via CCS, it gave the error of MSP430: Error connecting to the target: The Debug Interface to the device has been secured

    This error can be reported also if JTAG fuse is untouched.

    So when we explored we came to know that the JTAG interface is locked and to unlock it we need the JTAG signature programmed with 0000_0000h/FFFF_FFFFh and this can be done by BSL UART.

    First, you need to be 100% sure that fuse is blown, and this can be done by reading JTAG fuse value by BSL. If fuse value is not (factory default) 0FFFFh than it should be overwritten by 0000h (without flash erase).

    Here is example for F5xx with HID BSL ...

  • Thanks for the reply @zrno soli,

    We tried reading the JTAG fuse value by BSL but got the same error [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE] unknown ACK value! and I attached the screenshot and checked the text file(value.txt) there is no data there.

  • Hi Manohar,

    To clarify, the RXD Pin (P1.2) from the MSP430 side is where you are seeing data?

    Have you modified the script.txt file any? Can you add the VERBOSE command so that the byte output is visible in BSL-Scripter? 

    Best Regards,
    Brandon Fisher

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