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I have much code written for other compilers and I want to use the same code for the MSP430F5632. I want to use this style code DisplayRESET = 0; where DisplayRESET is a single pin. Here is the struct and #defines I have:
struct BitMapping
#define Port1_2Base 0x200
#define Port2OUTCHAR ( * (char *)Port1_2Base + 0x03)
#define Port2OUT ( * (struct BitMapping *)Port1_2Base + 0x03)
#define Port5_6Base 0x240
#define Port5OUT ( * (struct BitMapping *)Port5_6Base + 0x02)
#define Port6IN ( * (struct BitMapping *)Port5_6Base + 0x01)
#define Port6OUT ( * (struct BitMapping *)Port5_6Base + 0x03)
#define Port7_8Base 0x260
#define Port7IN ( * (struct BitMapping *)Port7_8Base + 0x00)
#define Port7OUT ( * (struct BitMapping *)Port7_8Base + 0x02)
#define DisplayCD Port6OUT.Bit6
#define DisplayCE Port7OUT.Bit7
#define DisplayWR Port7OUT.Bit6
#define DisplayData Port2OUT.CHR
#define DisplayRD Port6OUT.Bit7
#define DisplayRESET Port5OUT.Bit6
When I compile, everywhere I use a display pin like:
DisplayCD = 0;
I get:
Description Resource Path Location Type
#42 expression must have arithmetic or pointer type DisplayRoutines.c /HRX MSP Ccode/MSP HRX CCODE line 89 C/C++ Problem
I have not found any examples of pins being used like this. It's all:
DisplayCD |= BIT6;
DisplayCD &=~BIT6;
What do I need to do to use:
DisplayCD = 0;
Hi David,
This is in interesting question. I'm unsure if there is an easy way to do this on MSP430. The reason is a bit set/clear requires a readback of the GPIO PxOUT register. Hence the need for "|=" (which is just x = x | y). As far as I know there isn't a single C operation that can do this.
The BitMapping struct is neat but I've never seen the ":1" notation before. Can you point me at a reference that describes how this works?
What compiler/MCU have you been able to use this software paradigm with?
Quadravox with an MSP430F147 and MSP430F2402
Is there a setting in the compiler I'm missing or something?
My computer with the Quadravox died so I'm trying to move all my code to TI's code composer.
Compiler does not like calculating addresses. Just by chance I tried:
#define Port5OUT ( * (struct BitMapping *)0x242)
#define Port6IN ( * (struct BitMapping *)0x241)
#define Port6OUT ( * (struct BitMapping *)0x243)
and my errors went away. Somehow calculating the address works in msp430f5632.h which is part of the compiler.
Hi David,
I was able to make it work with a couple modifications to your original code:
#include <msp430.h> struct __attribute__((__packed__)) BitMapping { unsigned Bit0:1, Bit1:1, Bit2:1, Bit3:1, Bit4:1, Bit5:1, Bit6:1, Bit7:1; }CHR; #define Port1_2Base 0x200 #define Port2OUT ( (struct BitMapping *)Port1_2Base + 0x03) int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW+WDTHOLD; // Stop WDT P2DIR |= 0xFF; while (1) { Port2OUT->Bit5 = 1; __delay_cycles(1000); Port2OUT->Bit5 = 0; __delay_cycles(1000); } }
The key changes:
I was able to see the pin toggel in my example :) Happy coding.
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