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MSP430G2533: low power replacement

Part Number: MSP430G2533
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR2310, MSP430G2553

Dear TI,

We are using MSP430G2533-IPW20 in our sensors but we require more low power.

We use 1 uart and 5 interrupts.

Could you please suggest me which device we could use?

I am focussing on the MSP430FR2310 for an other project, maybe this one is already usefull or is there an other replacement?

Best regards,


  • Hi Remko,

    You will generally see lower power with the MSP430FRxxxx devices. If you only use the UART and 5 GPIOs, consider the MSP430FR2000 or another part in the same family. There are some different memory options depending on your application, if you would like the same package then the MSP430FR2310 would be a good option as well.



  • Dear Luke,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Great! this is exactly the one I had in mind and already have the launchpad and parts of this on my desk..

    Only... it has the same package but it looks it is not pin compatible, or am I wrong?


  • You are correct the MSP430G2553 and the MSP430FR2310 are not pin to pin compatible.



  • You really don't provide enough information. What is your power requirement? Why doesn't the G2553 meet that? Are you using the low power modes to maximum advantage?

    A typical MSP430 application will spend most of its time in a low power mode where power dissipation is less than 1mW. Sometimes a lot less.

    If it is the active mode current that is a problem, this is strongly dependent on MCLK so keeping that as low as possible while meeting other requirements will lower power demand.

  • Dear David,

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    The power usage was really low but we implemented some strong filtering which is needed for our application. The battery lifetime used to be two years but with this algoritm it went back to 1 year. We need the 8MHz for this calculation while it is not asleep. In sleep it consumes almost nothing. Comparing the current usage per MHz, the new FR version is much lower so I expect the power to go down again.


  • David is right that if you wanted a true power calculation for factors on theoretical power consumption overtime you would need more specifics of the application (specific factors like ratio of time spent in a certain mode, speed of CPU, what peripherals are active etc.). But in general just comparing the highest and lowest power modes you have.


    Active mode: 230 uA at 1 MHz

    Standby mode: 500 nA

    Off-mode (Ram Retention): 100nA


    Active mode 126 uA/MHz

    Standby mode: 710 nA (with RTC)

    Shutdown mode (LPM4.5): 32 nA

    So it really does depend on your application, if you're in standby mode for an overwhelming time, the MSP430G2x53 is actually better. But if you're in Active mode or shutdown, the MSP430FR231x will be better.



  • Dear Luke,

    Thank you very much for this explanation.

    Based on this info, I think the FR version might give us some improvement on low power.


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