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MSP430F6726: difference between 6726 and 6777

Part Number: MSP430F6726
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , TRF7960A, MSP430F6777, MSP430F6777A, TRF7960

Hi Experts,

Our custmer have been using your MSP430F6726 and TRF7960A products in their project for a long time. Recently, they have replaced MSP430F6726 with MSP430F6726A because the MSP430F6726 product is not available.

So they have started to implement the same project and the same code with MSP430F6726A and TRF7960A. It has worked fine.

Now, it has been told that the MSP430F6726A product is not on the market now. So they get another product which is MSP430F6777.

They are trying to implement the same project and the same code with MSP430F6777. But it is not working with TRF7960A properly. They have been working on it for one month. But MSP430F6777 and TRF7960A are not working properly with the same code that they have used for MSP430F6777 and MSP430F6777A.

They have realized that there is no difference between MSP430F6777 and MSP430F6726 other than size, shape, and pin-port order.

Is there any remarkable difference between 6726 and 6777? I have also checked their online comparison: Compare products ( but was still not sure what went wrong. We hope to receive your advise. Thank you so much.

Best regards,

  • Hi Gerald,

    What aspect is not working properly? Is it the SPI connection talking to the TRF7960? Have they scoped the communication lines to see if the behavior is expected or if they have the correct pin placement?

    Considering the devices come from the same family if you are using the same features between the two then the registers will be the same, the main difference would be the pin connections. I would break down the code by sections and then compare and translate by section if possible.



  • Hi Luke,

    Thank you for your attention and response. Please see below for customer feedback:
    " - We have checked the pin connections. 
    - The rfid card UID is read correctly with "Iso14443aFindTag" function. 
     - After finding and reading card UID correctly, the next step is authentication. I attached the picture of code piece which is the problem occurs. This code is in "MifareAuth1" function of crypto1_mifare.c file.
     - After "DirectModeTransceive" function, it goes into the if statement which means something is wrong."

    Thank you and kind regards,

  • Hi Gerald,

    Looking at the datasheet for the TRF790A it looks like they could do parallel communication using I/O pins or they could use SPI. Since they have a parity check I would assume SPI but if you could confirm for me. If they are using SPI, can they scope the SPI lines to make sure that they are sending/receiving the proper data and that the SPI CLK is at the correct frequency. 

    If they aren't getting the correct data back and forth then this will have to move to the team in charge of the TRF790A since they built the library.



  • Hi Luke,

    Yes, customer do use SPI. 
    They think that SPI is working just fine because they can read and get the UID of rfid card correctly. But when it comes to read the blocks with KeyA, they get an error. 



  • Hi Gerald,

    This process is dependent on the library they are using and I believe the library was created by the team behind the TRF790 device. I will find the appropriate org and shift this thread to them. 

    Though I still recommend scoping the lines, even if the UID is being read properly, scoping the lines for the other communication aspects can help you isolate the actual problem.



  • Hi Luke,

    I have forwarded this advise to the customer and we will also wait for the advise of the appropriate org. Thank you.


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