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MSP430FR5972: MSP430FR5972 - Is it possible to unlock if JTAG is disabled programmatically?

Part Number: MSP430FR5972
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET

MSP430FR5972 - Is it possible to unlock if JTAG is disabled programmatically?

I already wrote that when you combine (turn on) the MPU and IPE and the password for the Jitag, it turns out that the microprocessor cannot be programmed a second time.

I have accumulated several of these microprocessors,

I have a question:

1) Can I do a master reset of microprocessors to be able to reuse them?

2) if "yes", how exactly can I do it? I ask for specific recommendations (step by step instructions).

Thank you!

  • Hi Alexander,

    If you lock the JTAG, the only possible way to "un-lock" the JTAG is using the BSL (boot-strap loader).  But if you have disabled the BSL, as well then the device is completely locked and no way to recover it.

    Now, if you haven't disabled the device's BSL there is a chance you can force a "MASS ERASE" on the device, which will clear the JTAG lock.

    All the information you need is in the MSP430FRAM Devices Bootloader (BSL).

    To do this, put the device into BSL mode using the sequence shown in the BSL guide, then send a password.  Doesn't matter what you send (send 32 0xFF) it won't match the password that is in the device and the BSL perform a mass erase. 

    You can connect to the device's BSL using either its UART or I2C port pins as shown below in the device's data sheet.

  • 1) "MASS ERASE" don't work.
    2) I read all this (manuals that you bring out). Bootloader disabled...

    looks like I lost those microprocessors :(

  • Unfortunately, yes.  Were you disabling the bootloader on purpose, or accident?

  • Turned it off on purpose. I need all the memory.

  • Hi Alexander,

    I'm not sure I understand.  The BSL on the FR5972 is located in ROM memory, not in FRAM. Disabling it does impact the available FRAM program memory.

  • Sorry, I probably expressed myself badly.
    I turned off BSL when I started my program.
    And the combination of IPM and MPE makes the "password" for JTAG inaccessible.
    As far as I understand from all the descriptions of the MSP430FR microcontroller.

    #pragma RETAIN(JTAG_signatures)
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(JTAG_signatures,".jtagsignature")
    const uint16_t JTAG_signatures[]= {0xAAAA,0x0002};
    #pragma RETAIN(JTAG_password)
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(JTAG_password,".jtagpassword")
    const uint8_t JTAG_password[] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01};
    #pragma RETAIN(BSL_signatures)
    #pragma DATA_SECTION(BSL_signatures,".bslsignature")
    const uint16_t BSL_signatures[]= {0x5755,0x5755};

  • Ok - got it.

    Based on what you show in BSL_signatures[], the BSL is not disabled.  In theory you could invoke the HW BSL entry method and send any password.  That will cause the BSL to perform a mass erase and unlock your device.

  • Thank you!

    Please tell me, you are better than me in the descriptions of the MSP430.

    I have an MSP-FET programmer. Tell me where there is a description of how I can connect it to the microprocessor to do the BSL password entry procedure and erasure?

  • First you will need the MSP430 FRAM BSL guide.  Refer to section 3.3.2 Hardware BSL Invocation on how to place the MSP430 into BSL mode.  You do this using the RST and TEST pins on this device.

    Next, I believe your device has a UART boot loader so you can connect your MSP-FET programmer to the RST, TEST, RX and TX signals.  Take a look at the MSP-FET documentation for the correct pin out, or just search the web.

    Last, you need SW to control the MSP-FET so it communicates with the MSP430's BSL.  You can use MSP BSL Scripter application.  It is very easy to write a simple script to communicate with the MSP430.  It has some examples.  All you need it for is sending a password to mass erase the device.

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