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MSP430FR6870: CCS expression window, display local file scope ?

Part Number: MSP430FR6870


I have previously been able to use a file scope identifier for expressions in the CCS expressions pane to view variable values that are not global and I'm having trouble remembering the syntax. I think it is an undocumented feature of CCS (never found any reference within the official user guides) but saw it in a forum answer once.

Can anyone give me a hint ? It was something like 'file.c::local', maybe parenthesis ?

  • I'd be curious myself to see how that worked. From what I understand and have experienced, the expressions pane requires variables to be in scope to be viewable. It's completely possible to see non-global values in the expressions pane, but you have to be stopped at a breakpoint where the variable is actually in scope.

  • I have not heard of this feature and a search through of past e2e posts has not shown this as a feature either. You can add variables to the expressions pane whenever but can only view their value when they are within scope, for example with a breakpoint as Seth mentioned. 

    Amruta Deole

  • It certainly hasn't be published as official but I definitely saw it in a forum post somewhere ... just can't find it now :-/ 

    Pity as I found it quite a useful feature, basically being able to explicitly find file scope variables.

    Edit: I was looking in the wrong place, it was a YouTube video ...

    syntax is 'file.ext'::variable

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