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MSP430FR2355: TimerB0 Interrupt ISR not found

Part Number: MSP430FR2355

      Timer_B_initUpModeParam tparam = {0};
      tparam.clockSource = TIMER_B_CLOCKSOURCE_ACLK;
      tparam.clockSourceDivider = TIMER_B_CLOCKSOURCE_DIVIDER_32;
      tparam.timerPeriod = 20480; // 32 sec
      tparam.timerInterruptEnable_TBIE = TIMER_B_TBIE_INTERRUPT_DISABLE;
      tparam.captureCompareInterruptEnable_CCR0_CCIE = TIMER_B_CCIE_CCR0_INTERRUPT_ENABLE;
      tparam.startTimer = true;
#pragma vector=TIMER0_B0_VECTOR
__interrupt void TIMER0_B0_ISR(void)
    timerFlag = 1;


if i run this code it always gets stuck in

;-- default ISR handler if user does not supply
;-- simply puts device into lpm0

       .sect    ".text:_isr:__TI_ISR_TRAP"
    .align    2
    .global    __TI_ISR_TRAP
        BIS.W     #(0x0010),SR
        JMP __TI_ISR_TRAP

        NOP                     ; CPU40 Compatibility NOP

Whats wrong with my ISR?

Thank you

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