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MSp430F2112 communication

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2112

Dear All,

Iam doing a project in which 9 PCB (each with 2 sensors and MSP430F2112) has to transfer data to master PCB.
one sensor give 16 bit output and another gives square wave.
these PCB has to be connected in daisy chain manner.

i want to transfer the data(taken from sensors) of 1st MSP430(1st PCB) to second MSP430 (2nd PCB) so on....and after 9th PCB (total data accumalated from 1st to 9th)to Master PCB at the end.

the data onces reches at master PCB has to be sorted on the basis of position of PCB) for futher calculation.

sensors and MSP430 has to be connected using I2C.
how the frequency of square has to be calculated (sensor o/p)
on what factor i should decide baud rate.
data will increse after every PCB :-(
could anybody tell how to acheive this.

any help will be thankful.
plese tell me the very basic as iam college student dont have any handon experience before.

if any other simple method to do the same pls suggest.
any other question on the same to clarify more?



  • Rahul Gupta said:
    one sensor give 16 bit output and another gives square wave.
    these PCB has to be connected in daisy chain manner.

    ??? How can you daisy-chain sensors with totally different signal types?

    I fear, your descriptions of the problem is a bit... fuzzy. "A picture tells more than 1000 words"

    Rahul Gupta said:
    plese tell me the very basic as iam college student dont have any handon experience before.

    Hmmm, usually tasks given to students are to train them doing the job themselves and not training them in digging trhough forums for a solution :)

    However, why not starting at the beginning: Draw a nice diagram with all sensors, all (intended) connections between them and the signal types etc. It helps you to get a better undestanding of what you want to do, and helps us to better understand what you migh tneed.
    And maybe you'll find the solution while doing so.
    If not, then we have something that will explain the task (hopefully) detailed and clean, so we can start searching a solution together. At least we're talking about the same thing then.

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