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code protection

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2350

Hi, im working with a MSP430F2350 trying to password protect the code via the bootstrap loader,  I have read the User Guide for programming via the bootstrap loader but i can´t get a clear idea of how to password protect a code using the bootstrap loader?, am i going in the good way using the bootstrap loader or could i get the same result with a diferent method. Also i have the question: The bootstrap loader is a code that merges with my source code or is a diferent code that i put in another seccion of the memory?

  • To prevent other to read you object code already programmed in a chip you do two things:

    (1) You blow the JTAG fuse. This is so that others cannot use JTAG to dump the Flash.

    (2) You disable the BSL. This is so that others cannot use BSL to dump the Flash. But for some MSP430, it is not possible to disable BSL. Thus you make the interrupt vectors (even the unused ones) kind of random. These vectors are used by BSL as passwords. Others try to use BSL cannot dump the Flash without knowing the password. Hence that is the protection.


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