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I am trying to download the source for legacy BSL. The links all down load
Is there anyway to get the legacy versions?
Hi Chase
which legacy version you need? So far, I haven't found more link on the legacy versions.
Unfortunately, when the code is downloaded from this link it is MSP430BSL_1_00_07_00. There are significant changes to version MSP430BSL_1_00_07_00 from what we are using.
Hi Chase
I need time to check the detailed.
I will reply to you later!
Hi Chase
Sorry to be late because of my out of office.
I can find the latest version 1_02_00_01 (02 Apr 2020) on MSPBSL_CUSTOMBSL430 Driver or library |
May I know if this is what you need?
Hi Xiaodong, Customer is asking for an older version, not latest version.
When they try to download all of the below it downloads the MSP430BSL_1_00_07_00 instead.
Is there any other link you can provide so customer can access these BSL instead?
Hi Chase
There is no link for the older version.
May I know which older version you need and if hex file (not source code) is OK for customer?
Hi Xiadong,
They have a custom BSL that was modified to support our hardware requirements. Unfortunately, theydo not know what all the modifications include which is why they were looking for MSPBSL Would like to do a source code comparison to see all the diffs. The .hex file will not be useful.
Do you have any other ideas to help them identify what modifications have been made since the older version BSL?
Hi Chase
So, customer needs the MSPBSL version source code. Is it correct?
Let me check internally if we can provide the source code of MSPBSL version
Hi Chase
I checked with team.
Unfortunately, we don't have the source code of version or older versions
Hi Xiaodong, what is the oldest version source code we have that we can provide? Maybe that will help minimize the work required in their comparisons between the custom BSL they created and the old BSL they'd originally used
Hi Chase
We haven't found the older version of MSP430 Custom BSL Package than you have found.
it means the oldest version is MSP430BSL_1_00_07_00
Hi Chase
May I know which function customer added on the MSP430 BSL?
if the added functions are definite, I think customer can consider add these functions on our latest version MSP430 BSL.
The firmware engineer has taken over support of the BSL and has identified some changes that were made to support the hardware design. They are in the process of re-spinning the hardware to add additional functionality and change some of the existing interfaces. This being the case, they would like to compare with the original to identify all changes that were made. Any other custom modifications are unknown at this point and they were hoping to identify by comparing BSLs.
They could provide the custom BSL code to see if TI can identify all changes, let me know if that is an option.
Hi Chase
I think it is hard for us to identify the changes without the original version BSL source code.
I started to check again with team if we can find the old version (for example version 1_00_00) BSL source code.
I will feedback if there is any finding.
But I still recommend customer can consider add these functions on our latest version MSP430 BSL because there should be some improvement on the latest version BSL
Hi Chase
The previous name of this project is customBSL.
Please check the 1_00_00 version on
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