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MSP430F5438A: MSP430F5438A: BSL programming over Hardware UART with MSP430F5438A and MSP430-FET

Part Number: MSP430F5438A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET

Hi all,

I'm trying to upload firmware using a modified version of the BSL that interfaces with an HW UART instead of the software one (based on the TA timer). After having modified the BSL firmware has suggested in this post ( I was able to compile and upload the BSL FW using a MSP430-FET programmer connected to my device through Spi-by-wire interface.

Then, I modified the current version of my firmware in order to jump at the BSL entry point in the memory adding the following lines of code to the main.c file:

//BSL invocation

__disable_interrupt(); // disable interrupts

((void ( * )())0x1000)(); // jump to BSL

I made the following HW connections between the MSP430-FET and my device. I have intentionally discarded the TEST/RESET signals because I invoke the BSL from firmware. Is this right?

MSP430-FET                            MY DEVICE

VCC                                          VCC

GND                                          GND

UART_TXD (pin 12)                  UART_RXD

UART_RXD (pin 14)                 UART_TXD

With these connections, I started the BSL-scripter software and launched the following default script:

//Script example 543x family UART BSL
//Download blink led application
//to 543x family device through uart bsl
//It was tested using Launchpad BSL
//application as the communication bridge
MODE 543x_family UART COM4
//gives the wrong password to do
//mass eraseof the memory
RX_PASSWORD .\pass16_wrong.txt
RX_PASSWORD .\pass16_default.txt
RX_DATA_BLOCK .\blinkLED_f5438.txt
CRC_CHECK 0x5C00 0x0020 0xAF15
CRC_CHECK 0xffd2 0x00D0 0xC1EA
SET_PC 0x5c00

At the end, I was not able to upload any script through the BSL, receiving a missing  ACK message for each line of the BSL-scripter script as showed into the attached image.

Any suggestions on what can be wrong in my setup?

Thank you in advance for the reply,


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