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CAPTIVATE-BSWP: CE/EU Declaration of Conformity (aka EU DoC) required

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CAPTIVATE-METAL, CAPTIVATE-EMC


Please can you provide the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity for CAPTIVATE-BSWP?

The product shows it bears the CE mark however the declaration is not available on the T.I website, 

Thank you

  • Hi Chris,

    I'm being told that the CAPTIVATE-BSWP has no active components and therefore no CE/EU is required, only ROHS. 

  • Hi Dennis

    I understand from your response that the only CE directive that applies to the product is the ROHS Directive 2011/65/EU. However, ROHS 2011/65/EU is a CE directive on its own.

    Since  CAPTIVATE-BSWP  is under the scope of ROHS 2011/65/EU and is CE marked, the manufacturer (T.I) must draw a CE/EU Declaration of Conformity for that product. This is one of the obligations put on the manufacturer when they apply the CE mark and claim CE compliance to their products, i.e. to draw the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity

    This obligation is expressed in all the CE Directives, including the ROHS directive 2011/65/EU (ref Art. 7.c of the directive) - access HERE.

    Mouser USA, as the importer of records, when selling the product into the EU, we have the obligation, as expressed in the CE directives, to have a copy of the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity of all CE-marked products we place to the EU market.

    Since the only CE directive that applies is ROHS, the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity will confirm compliance with only ROHS.

    See below two examples of CE/EU Declaration of Conformity from T.I for similar  products, Touch Sensor Development Tool, CE marked, that are also under ROHS only:
    -- SKU CAPTIVATE-METAL - CE/EU Declaration of Conformity from T.I, access HERE
    -- S
    KU CAPTIVATE-EMC - CE/EU Declaration of Conformity from T.I, access HERE

     Please help us with this legal CE Compliance requirement and kindly provide an equivalent CE/EU Declaration of Conformity for CAPTIVATE-BSWP

    Thank you in advance for the support,


  • Hi Chris,

    Let me look into this.

  • Hi Chris,

    Haven't forgotten about you ;)  

    I'm tracking down the engineer that was responsible at the time.

  • Hi Chris,

    Ok, I shared this posting with the responsible engineer.  He agrees a Declaration of Conformity is missing from the CAPTIVATE-BSWP product web page.

    He states that CAPTIVATE-BSWP is only required to meet Directive 2011/65/EU for ROHS, not EMC Directive 2014/30/EU because there are no active devices on the PCB.

    He says it takes about 2weeks to create the Declaration of Conformity document.  I'll leave this post open and when the document is ready, I will let you know.  Does work for you?

  • Hi Dennis

    Thank you for the update. Sorry for the slight delay of response, I was out of the office.

    I will wait for the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity.

    There is a part I am a little confused in your response. 

    You first wrote "He states that CAPTIVATE-BSWP is only required to meet Directive 2011/65/EU for ROHS, not EMC Directive 2014/30/EU because there are no active devices on the PCB."

    And that seems fine with me, however the screenshot of the document you added lists the EMC directive as well as the ROHS directive.

    I assume the screenshot is not representative of what the EU DoC will be...?

  • Hi Chris,

    Yes, I believe it will in line with all of the other declaration documents, such as the CAPT-PGMR, for example.

    I'll check on the status.

  • Hi Dennis,

    Yes I would expect the CE/EU DoC for CAPTIVATE-BSWP to be the same as CAPT-PGMR.

    I wait to hear back from you,
    Thank you

  • Hi Chris,

    I apologize for the delay.  I wanted to give you an update.

    My submission for these docs got lost in the system some how so I am having to re-apply.

  • Hi Dennis,

    Thank you for letting me know. I understand. I wait to hear back from you.

  • Hi

    Could you please advise status of this pending request?

    Thank you

  • Hi Chris,

    I do apologize.  These requests can take some time.  I will advise.

  • Hi Chris,

    Success!  It took some time, but everything went through the system.  Now, I need to request to have this posted officially on the TI website, and that may take another day or two.  In the mean time, I have attached a copy.DoC_EU RoHS_CAPTIVATE-BSWP_20230828.pdf

    If that takes care of everything, I'll go ahead and mark this post resolved.

  • Hi Dennis

    Great! Thank you for your support. This resolves the query.

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