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MSP430FR2633: Using the clock sources of the MSP430FR2633 to clock a TLV320DAC3203

Part Number: MSP430FR2633
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320DAC3203

Hi dear people,

I have a question related to the clock system of the MSP430FR2633.

I understand, by clocking the device using the VLO I can go under to LPM4 and still be able to use Captivate.
This, because Captivate uses its own high frequency oscillator. Am I correct?

The question is, can I feed the TLV320DAC3203 with a clock comming from the MSP, while these is in LPM4?

Greetings from Spain, with 39° C at almost midnight!


  • That internal clock for Captivate seems can' t be output external. 

  • Thanks Gary,
    I was hoping for a "miracle", but it seems, I have to look for an oscillator for the DAC3203 and leave the FR2633 alone with the own clocks.

    Can you give me a hint, besides all the information I could already find (SLAA892, for instance) for a suitable clock source?

    Is there any IC from Ti doing the job?

    Thanks for the help and best regards!


  • I changed this thread to our oscillator team for comments

  • Hi Gustavo, 
    What input frequency does you receiver require? I would need this info before providing any suggestions. 



  • Hi Vicente, thenks for springin in!

    In the mean time, I am a little further, but still unsure.

    The TLV320DAC3203 could work with an external clocl source from as slow as 2.8224 MHz.
    In my board, I am doing this with the SMCLK from the MSP430FR2633.

    However, the LPMx modi from the MSP430FR2633 stopt MCLK and SMCLK except by LPM0.
    I could redesign the board to fit a crystal, but the problem now (and I discovered it yesterday) is the shortage on crystals and Osc ICs.

    I do not really need speed. The MSP is initialising the DAC and then goes into a wait status, looking for touchs. These occurs sporadically, at about 1% of the time.

    So, I figured out, if the MSP works with a MCLK from 2.8224 MHz (or a multiple of it) and SMCLK can be  2.8224 MHz, the consumption would be in LPM0 anyway very low.
    Am I wright with this?

    I have changed the function '
    BSP_configureMCU(void);' from the Captivate-Project into this:

    void BSP_configureMCU(void)
        uint8_t ui8LFOsc = CS_XT1CLK_SELECT;
        // P1 and P2 configuration code comes here
        // Clear port lock...
        PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;

    // No need to configure FRAM wait state, because under 16 MHz.
    // Attempt to start the low-frequency crystal oscillator... In case I do use one once, you never know. MAP_CS_setExternalClockSource(XT1_OSC_FREQ); // Check if crystal is present and switch to internal 32kHz reference oscillator if not... if (CS_turnOnXT1LFWithTimeout(CS_XT1_DRIVE_0, XT1_OSC_TIMEOUT) == STATUS_FAIL) { ui8LFOsc = CS_REFOCLK_SELECT; } // Set DCO frequency range to 2 MHz CSCTL1 = DCORSEL_1; // Set DCO frequency trim to default CSCTL1 |= DCOFTRIMEN; // Enable frequency trim CSCTL1 &= ~DCOFTRIM; // Default trim value // Enable modulation CSCTL0 &= ~DISMOD; // Set MCLK and SMCLK source to DCOCLK CSCTL2 |= SELM__DCOCLK | SELS__DCOCLK; // Set divider for SMCLK to achieve desired frequency CSCTL3 |= DIVS__1; // DIVS__1 = no division (SMCLK = DCOCLK) // Lock CS registers CSCTL0_H = 0; }

    Do you think, this could do the job, or am I missing further steps?

    Thanks for taking care and

    best regards,


  • Hi Gustavo, 
    I am not familiar with microcontrollers unfortunately.

    So just to confirm, you're looking for a 2.884MHz clk generator? Is there a specific output format your receiver requires such as LVDS, SE, HCSL, LVPECL, etc? 



  • hI Vicente,

    Thanks for your quick answer.
    What I need is a way to give the DAC some clock (the most suitable would be a multiplum of 2.884MHz) by avoiding the use of an external oscillator. Programming the FR2633 for this could be the solution, but I am not really sure about.
    I guess, we can close this thread for now and I will make more research (I found some ore  literature, like the slaa992, which is very interesting) and I will make some trys.
    If I do not succeed, I will come back to the Ti forums.
    Thaks for caring and best regards,

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