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MSP430FR4133: Delay after invoking BSL via TEST and RST pins

Part Number: MSP430FR4133

I am invoking the BSL on the MSP430FR4133 using the TEST and RST pins.  After the RST line goes and then the TEST line goes low, I have found that I must wait 60 milliseconds before I can send data via the UART to the MSP430FR4133.  I cannot find this delay specified in any of the data sheets.  I can wait 60 milliseconds but want to find out the maximum amount of time that is required tp prevent variation from part to part.  

  • Hi Timothy,

    I super apologize for delay in response to your question.  This delay has neither been characterized or tested in production, hence no spec in the datasheet.  If you find 60ms is the minimum delay time required, this should be consistent, but you might want to add up to 50% (ie. 90ms if your application can wait that long), just to be on the conservative side.  I have reached out to our Systems team to see if they can provide any additional information.

  • Hi Timothy,

    Design has confirmed the delay should be fairly consistent from device to device in the same family, and across temperature and voltage.  You will see differences between families of MSP430 MCUs due to different BSL implementations in each.  To be more comfortable with the minimum delay, you might consider measuring this delay on maybe 10 or 20 devices then as suggested earlier, add 50% margin.  Let me know.

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