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MSP430FR6928: Interfavibg with gdc0570 seven segment display

Part Number: MSP430FR6928

Hi,we are interfacing the seven sengment display GDC570 to MSP430Fr6928 but its not displaying the accurate digit.please help us to display the accurate digit on seven segment display .We configured seven sengment display as follows:

    P6SEL0=0x78;// P6SEL0.x
    P6SEL1=0x78;// P6SEL0.x
    LCDMEM[2] =0xF0;
    LCDMEM[3] =0x30;

we define following codes to display digit .is it correct codes according to a+b+c+d+e+f+g of seven segment.

  • Hello,

    Please see this application note for more knowledge on LCD segment displays and MSP430 LCd peripheral capabilities. 

    The exercise that would need to be done here is to correlate your chosen LCD's character mapping to you're chosen segments being used and thus addressing those in the LCD peripheral memory map. 

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