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MSP430FR5729: UBDIFG uncorrectable FRAM bit error errata (GC3)

Part Number: MSP430FR5729

In a previous thread I asked about problems we were having with a small number of boards using the MSP430FR5729, where we were seeing UBDIFG SYSNMI interrupts regularly (uncorrectable FRAM bit error).  Replacing the MSP430 on these boards appeared to fix the problem, so we were somewhat prepared to write this off as a possible ESD/handling issue.  However, the problem is still occurring, and I see a number of similar issues documented on this forum.  This got me digging back into the errata sheet (SLAZ382AH for our part), where errata GC3 documents that the UBDIG and CBDIFG error flags are incorrectly set after wakeup from LPM2+ modes, and presents a workaround.

So my question now is this: Is it possible that the bug described in errata GC3 for the MSP430FR5729 (and presumably similar errata for other parts) might only appear on some chips?  If this only affects, say 5% or so of production parts, then that would fit well with what we (and apparently a lot of other folks) are seeing.

- BR

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