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MSP430F6779A: What is proper process to do System Non-maskable Interrupt Service Routine?

Part Number: MSP430F6779A

as we have setting the reset pin to NMI for prevent PMM26

int _system_pre_init(void)
/* Insert your low-level initializations here */

// Clear RTCHOLD Bit after reset
RTCCTL0_H = RTCKEY_H; // unlock
RTCCTL1 &= ~RTCHOLD; // release RTC
RTCCTL0_H = 0x00; // lock


/* Return value:
* 1 - Perform data segment initialization.
* 0 - Skip data segment initialization.
return 1;

What is proper process to do System Non-maskable Interrupt Service Routine?

Can it be blank as below?

//                         Interrupt Service Routine
#pragma vector=SYSNMI_VECTOR            /* 0xFFFC System Non-maskable */
__interrupt void int_SYSNMI(void)


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