EVM430-FR6043: EVM430-FR6043: How to calculate Volume Flow Rate (2)

Part Number: EVM430-FR6043


Hi! I have EVM430-FR6043 Evaluation board.
My tube configuration is shown in the picture below.

The length L is not much larger than the radius of the pipe r (L is 8 cm and r is 2.5 cm) so I have to take r into account.

I want to calculate the Volume Flow Rate for gas (not for water). I already asked this question and I know that there is a formula how to calculate v (velocity of gas flow). This formula doesn't contain r (radius of the pipe) but this formula contains c (the velocity of the ultrasound in the gas). I don't know c and don't know how to calculate it. I think c depends on the temperature, gas composition, pressure. I can measure the temperature of the gas, but I don't know the gas composition. I saw a formula and a figure "Temperature vs. Sound velocity in water", but I didn't see it for gas.

So my question is how to calculate the Volume Flow Rate for gas? Should I calculate c (the velocity of the ultrasound in the gas) or maybe there is a formula how to take into account the radius r ?

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