MSP-GANG: Cannot write to MSPM0G1105 with CUI

Part Number: MSP-GANG
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSPM0G1105, , MSP430F2121, MSPM0L1306


Hi All,

My customer have a question about the .dll I got from E2E below.
As I am a colleague of GR, I ask the question instead.

MSP-GANG: MSP-gang can not program MSPM0L1105 - MSP low-power microcontroller forum - MSP low-power microcontrollers - TI E2E support forums

They are developing in CUI, not GUI.
They have  tried the file I gave them in CUI,
still cannot write the program to MSPM0G1105 successfully.

The MSP-GANG.exe (GUI tool) can write to MSPM0G1105 successfully,
At this time, They have changed the project setting to “File” ⇒ “Save Project As...”. (mspm0g1105.mspgangproj).
LONG MSPGANG_Load_Config loaded the project into CUI, but could not write it.
What is the cause of not being able to write in CUI?

Also, currently the sample code for the CUI tool is DLLtest.c.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\MSP-GANG\Examples\C_Applications _MSP_DLL"
This code uses the MSP430F2121 as an example device, is there any sample code using the MSPM0G1105 as an example?

Best Regards,


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