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Have been using the same FET (for some reason it is marked as a MSP-FETU430IF for more than 1 and half year but it stopped working this morning.
Followed all the advice I could find on the forums, reinstalled drivers, removed driver and plugged in FET as "new" device, removed registry entries, changed com port enumeration, closed all applications on PC and used Process Explorer to check if anything was holding the com port.
The device operate as normal, flashing Red LED followed by green LED staying on, device is properly picked up on Windows XP and correctly installed.
When trying to program a CC430 after the binary has been compiled an "Error initializing emulator: No USB FET was found" is displayed.
When trying to upgrade or downgrade the FET with the firmware update utility it stays on "0% Initializing bootloader ...".
When trying to program the CC430 with the Elprotronic Lite application the following error pops up, "The FET-Pr430 free version works only with Texas Instruments' FET adapters.If the 3-th party FET adapter is used then the standard FET-PRo430 should be used.
I then retrieved the back up FET from the cupboard and it works on the same setup.
The original FET seems to be in good working order hardware wise, is it possibly bricked (do not know how since it hasn't been upgraded/downgraded in the last 9 months)?
Is the FET still being detected as FET when you plug it in?
It looks like the TUSB chip is broken. The FET (the MSP430F1612 in it) is still working, but doesn't get the PC commands forwarded from the TUSB USB bridgechip.
Since the special FET firmware for the TUSB has a checksum, there are a few possiilities:
1) the firmware is broken. then the TUSB will no longer enumerate as FET but as TI TUSBxxx instead in the device manager. In this case, there is a progrma that should restore the firmware.
2) the firmware is okay. THen the TUSB should enumerate as FET and all should be well. Likely there is a hardware problem between the TUSB and the MSP1612
3) the TUSB does not enumerate at all, or enumerates but doesn't get proper data. If it enumerates, it cannot be told form case 2), but the probable cause then is the USB cable, the connectors or such. Or maybe the USB HUB (maybe a different USB device, like an USB hard disk, is drawing too much current?)
Thank you very much Jens-Michael.
I see it enumerates as a TUSB3410... so I guess the firmware is gone. Can you point me into the direction where I can Find the firmware restore application and instructions?
It seems that most likely the EEPROM on the FET Tool is broken/erased for some reason. The EEPROM is connected to the TUSB3410 Device (USB-to-UART Bridge) via I2C and contains custom information of the VID/PID and the Device Description.
For the FET Tool the VID/PID is defined as VID = 0x0451, PID = 0xF430 and Device Desc= "MSP-FET430UIF - VCP". This information is stored in the EEPROM. On each start-up the TUSB will try to read these information from the EEPROM. If the EEPROM is not present or is defective for some reason, the TUSB will load its own default VID/PID and Device Desc (VID=0x0451, PID=0x3410, DeviceDesc = "TUSB3410 Device") which is stored in the internal Memory of the TUSB Bridge.
I have just tried something that could help out in your case. But this method might only work if the external EEPROM is not damaged. Means if the EEPROM is still functional but has lost its data for some reason.
Please try this only on a "clean" Windows XP/2000 PC, means there should be no previous device drivers used for the TUSB3410 device (for example no CCS or IAR etc.). If there is no chance to try this on a clean PC, so please uninstall any previous device drivers used for the TUSB3410 device. For instance, if the VCP drivers are installed perform a clean uninstall of the device. Make sure in the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\Vid_0451&Pid_3410 and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\umppport is not present. If it is in the registry delete these entries.
1) Unplug the FET Tool from the PC.
2) Download and install the TI USB EEPROM Burner Utility for the TUSB3410 (Rev. A)
3) During the installation when prompted, press Continue Anyway when the dialog boxes indicating the software has not passed Windows Logo Testing appear. This will occur twice!
4) Press Finish when the install shield indicates the EEPROM Burner driver installer is complete.
5) Plug the FET Debugger to the PC and direct the Hardware Wizard to look for the drivers in the directory where the TI TUSB3410 EEPROMBurner install files are located (C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\TUSB3410 EEPROM Burner Installer). The process of installing the EEPROM programmer actually installs two drivers. The first driver installed is the firmware loader. The second driver is the EEPROM Programmer driver. Therefore, the Found New Hardware wizard will occur twice. Press Continue Anyway in the dialog box indicating that the software for the TI TUSB3410 EEPROM Burner has not passed Windows logo testing.
6) Press Finish when the EEPROM Burner installation has completed.
7) From now on the FET Tool should appear in the Device Manager as "TI TUSB3410 EEPROMBurner" under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers"
8) Now you can run the EEPROM Programmer Application. The EEPROM programmer application can be executed by double clicking on the EEPROM Burner Icon on the desktop.
9) Select the "TI TUSB3410 EEPROMBurner" in the GUI. Select the EEPROM size -> 128kbits
10) Now press Erease EEPROM button to the erase the content of the EEPROM. This might take 5-10 min.
11) After the EEPROM is ereased successfully, select the EEPROM Image (*.bin) file which can be found in the Attachment to this post and press the Program EEPROM button.
12) The programming is successful if you see the message "EEPROM Programmed Successfully!"
13) Now you can unplug the FET Debugger and plug it to the PC where CCS/IAR is already installed.
14) The PC will indicate it found new hardware and display the Found New Hardware Wizard. Select Install the software automatically (Recommended) and press Next>.
15) Press Finish when the Driver installation has completed.
From now on the FET Tool should hopefully appear as "MSP-FET430UIF - VCP" under Ports. Now you can try to use the FET Tool with CCS/IAR.
Again thank you very much for your assistance Mo.
You saved us a lot of time and some money (in these economic times that is always welcomed).
I used the information above, since we did have an MSP-FET430UIF showing the same symptoms. However, I was able to this on an unclean PC and did not have to delete any registry information. I just went to the device manager and updated the driver from TUSB3410 to TI TUSB3410 EEPROMBurner. I was then able to erase the eprom and program. The device now shows as an MSP-FET430UIF-VCP. Thanks
Hello~ Mo.
Your description is very very benefit to me.
But attached EEPROM image file cannot use in FET tool at V3.(PID and VID of V3 is different from V2')
Because of that reason, I failed to connect between PC and FET tool.
If you attach EEPROM image for V3 ("MSP-FET430UIF-CDC") on the reply, I will appreciate it.
Thank you again.
yeunhun choi said:If you attach EEPROM image for V3 ("MSP-FET430UIF-CDC") on the reply, I will appreciate it.
I think on V3 this is included in the F1612 Firmware. Once the Firmware has been programmed into the F1612 device, it will try to program the EEPROM attached to the TUSB device automatically.
I also think that contents of EEPROM will be changed when updating F1612 firmware from V2 to V3.
But My problem is that
Successful Updating emulator to V3-> Some day I could not connect emulator to PC --> EEPROM updating by MSP-FET430UIF-VCP.bin
--> Window cannot find emulator in spite of showing "MSP-FET430UIF-VCP" in device manager
--> I think why I can connect emulator to PC is old eeprom image.
Thank you for your help.
Y.H Choi
Definitely. The EEPROM contains the firmware for the USB/ser converter. It need an update so the converter will identify itself to the PC as a different device requiring a different driver.yeunhun choi said:I also think that contents of EEPROM will be changed when updating F1612 firmware from V2 to V3.
If the EPROM content is damaged, the USB/ser chip will identify itself as plain vanilla TUSB and load teh default driver. In this case you can still reprogram the FETs 1612 and through it then the EEPROM by specific software.
Mo. said:It seems that most likely the EEPROM on the FET
I found out that there is a 24lc1281 EEPROM on MSP430 USB-DEbug-Interface (MSP-FET430UIF).
I guess you are on Windows 7. As already mentioned in my first post, this solution will only work on a Windows XP/ Windows NT machine.
The installer will not run on a Windows 7 machine.
Mo. said:I guess you are on Windows 7. As already mentioned in my first post, this solution will only work on a Windows XP/ Windows NT machine.
The installer will not run on a Windows 7 machine.
Oh ok then what am I supposed to do with my IDE IAR error as follows? You think I need to replace it with a new one?
Thanks for the great answer, but the links you provided are dead. I searched for SLLC249 and only get two hits on the TI website, both of which are references in other app notes. Any idea where one could locate the EE Programming tool for the TUSB these days?
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