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I'm using CCS5.3.00090 installed on Windows 7 x64 sp1 with a MSP-FET430UIF JTAG and yesterday, when I came back from lunch, it stopped being able to load software to my MSP430F5510 dev board. It was working fine before, and when I came back, I've been getting the error "MSP430: Error connecting to the target: Unknown device"
I've gotten this error every time I've tried to connect the JTAG since, and I have another JTAG, I tried that and I'm still getting the same error. the same is true with a different dev board. Am I missing something? Is there a way to troubleshoot this?
Hi Christopher,
have you tried reopening CCS or a fresh workspace? Are you seeing any signs of problems in the device manager?
Unless something broke your FET/hardware (not a likely scenario) something must have changed in the environment for the FET to stop working (even if file/driver corruption etc) Is there any further information you can provide to investigate this path? Windows or CCS update? Power fluctuation or change? etc. Have you verified nothing in the setup/ccxml etc has changed ? These are the types of things and changes I think it makes sense to investigate/eliminate first.
Best Regards,
Hi Lisa
I've tried reopening CCS, tried with a new example project, nothing seems to be working. The JTAG shows up in device manager as far as I can tell (COM port?) and I don't think CCS or windows had any updates.
I believe my configuration is the same, in the properties area, I have "CCS General" tab with the Connection set to "TI MSP430 USB1 [Default]" and the "Variant" is set to the right chip.
I'm suspecting it's something with CCS though I don't know what/where else to look
Hi Christopher,
can you try regenerating your .ccxml (target configuration) file?
This might be an odd thing, but I have seen with some msp boards that the odd usb port does not work or stops working with the setup.
You have tried a different FET and different board, have you tried or can you try a different pc?
Best Regards,
Hello again
I don't have access to another PC and how do I regenerate the ccxml file? I modified it then modified it back, saved it then tried to debug w/the JTAG. I still have the same error. I've tried this with both JTAGs and dev boards I have; nothing. I'm assuming it's a configuration I'm missing - is there any other way to check the JTAG?
Hi Christopher,
that is too bad there is no other pc to test, but by regenerate I mean delete and create a new one for the project. You can delete it fairly easily and to create a new one you can go to File->New->Target Configuration File.
Please keep us informed. This might end up being one for the msp group actually.
Best Regards,
Hi Lisa
This is really starting to get weird - I've got another system, Win 8 x64 w/CCS5.2.1.00018 and I can't get it up and running on there either. I tried redoing the ccxml file like you suggested and still nothing. I'll update CCS to 5.3 on the win 8 machine, but I'm beginning to not have very high hopes.
Thanks again
Hi Christopher,
I do not believe there is official support for the FET or CCS in Win 8. That does not mean that you will be unable to make that setup work, but there could potentially be issues.
I will move this to the msp forum for you. This is indeed odd and I wonder if your FET got damaged which is one reason I was asking about trying another pc.
Best Regards,
Christopher Chock stopped being able to load software to my MSP430F5510 dev board.
Try the steps described in this forum post to narrow down the source of the problem and report your results:
I seem to have a strange issue. When I install FET-Pro430 and check the dll version, it is able to read it fine (ver. on device, available version being I followed the instructions except it asks me if I would like to update my USB_FET. I tried updating it and using the original and both times, I get a failure.
I do get the "Active" status in the window though.
JTAG communication initialization.... failed
Verifying Security Fuse .................... failed
--------------- FAILED !!! -----------------
Christopher Chock said:When I install FET-Pro430 and check the dll version, it is able to read it fine (ver. on device, available version being
What this means is there is no problem between your PC and the MSP-FET430UIF. We need to see where the problem lies between the MSP-FET430UIF and the MSP430F5510. Here are a few things you could try:
Try to erase the flash of a different MSP430F5510
Try to erase the flash on a Texas Instruments board
MSP430 Development Tools & S/W
Compare your schematic to the MSP-TS430RGC64USB schematic found in the tool's users guide
Buy a MSP-EXP430G2 MSP430 LaunchPad to make sure you have no problems erasing the flash and programming that board.
Hi everyone
Thanks for the help. After talking to my boss about this problem, we realized that the 2nd board I was testing on had the JTAG jumper lines open and that's why it wouldn't talk. That lead us to believe that something's very wrong with the other board - something's up with the MSP on there. Anyway everything's working again and I'm back to debugging the software problems.
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