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I had been using IAR 5.3 and recently installed 5.4 instead. Then I plugged the FET debugger in and it started updating the device. After a while a message box appeared that I needed to disconnect the hardware and connect it again; but it seems that the process had not finished yet so when disconnected it, suddenly I got an error.
It told me that the device was not succesfully updated, and gave me 4-5 instructions. But the error box disappeared quickly, giving a fatal error instead, so I was unable to read them, although I remember "restart your computer" was a step.
When I try to upload a program to MSP430Gxxxx using the FET debugger, I get a few fatal errors telling me that no device was found; than a box with text "downloading emulator..." appears, which appearently never makes a process and IAR stops working. The FET debugger started to appear as TUSB3410 at "device manager".
I searched forums; uninstalled the driver completely and tried to reinstall it, I tried to downgrade the device, than upgrade it, non of them worked (it was unable to do either of them). It seems that the device is caught between the downgraded and upgraded version; when I tried a FET debugger that works with IAR 5.3 (that is never updated) these drivers are the same:
MSP-FET430UIF - VCP (COM8) --> (the other FET debugger which is functional)
** Drivers:
TUSB3410 Device (COM22) --> (the debugger that stopped functioning during update)
** Drivers:
When I started the UpdateTool.exe as administrator under IAR/430/bin with the following code: "UpdateTool.exe -u UP -i USB"
It gave the following error:
Error detected, aborting:
Could not find MSP-FET430UIF on specified COM port
I also uninstalled IAR and driver again, tried the "TI USB EEPROM Burner Utility for the TUSB3410 (Rev. A) " that I found under this post which has a similar problem:
Every step was ok, I tried it at a “clean” PC which was 32 bit Windows 7. The FET debugger now appears as TI TUSB3410 EEPROMBurner under "Universal Serial Bus Controllers".
But when I start the EPROM burner program; first I get this error:
(eepromburnerDlg) (OnInitDialog) RegisterForDeviceNotification Fail (error 1066)
I click ok and at first the program does not see any connected devices. After I disconnect and re-plug the debugger, the device is visible. But when I click "erase eeprom" (or "program eeprom") i get the following error:
I have been trying to find a solution for 2 days; and the device belongs to the firm I'm working at; I desperately need to fix it...
5 days passed and no solutions? Are you friggin' kidding me??
Dear admins,
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Best Regards,
Jean Pierre
Dear admins,
If you do not know:
The MSP-FET430UIF is a powerful flash emulation tool to quickly begin application development on the MSP430 MCU. It includes USB debugging interface used to program and debug the MSP430 in-system through the JTAG interface or the pin saving Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is ultra-low power, no external power supply is required.
The debugging tool interfaces the MSP430 to the included integrated software environment and includes code to start your design immediately. The MSP-FET430UIF development tools supports development with all MSP430 flash devices.
I'm pretty sure the board admins (who are admins for the board in first place, not TI engineers at your disposal) well know that the FET is. And the Engineers who drop in form tiem to time (but also have a job to do) do know too, as do we others. So if you think you'll have to explain what a FET is, you're probably at the wrong place.Jean Pierre Jambone said:If you do not know:
Jean Pierre Jambone said:5 days passed and no solutions? Are you friggin' kidding me??
The original question was from Tansu Kosansu. So why are you so exaggerated? It's not your thread (and if it is, it means you have multiple accounts, which leads to other quesitons).
And finally, this (or similar) questions have been asked several times (or Tansu) ar ento the only one with problems. Postign a question that has been asnwered a gazillion times before without looking for a solution first is bad style at best. If you're too lazy to look first before posting, then we're too lazy to repeat out comments over and over again for your convenience.
And before you complain even more: no, neither I nor most of the other active and usually helpful members in this forum are TI employees - or paid for our work.
Jens-Michael Gross
First of all - "exaggerated" is not used that way.. "why do you exaggerate so much" would be a better use -which is not the point of course.
The person who commented is NOT me. I'm guessing that he is only angry because that debugger is not a cheap device...
Finally, YES exactly, SIMILAR questions have been asked and I've tried them all, the information I have about FET debugger's eprom and firmware, dll's upgrades downgrades etc and all those things are from the many threads I've been reading for 3-4 days -which, you would have realised had you read my question completely. This is a different problem, that's the point... And I'm not going to comment about the guy-with-weird-surname's attitude but it is not that polite either to come and comment JUST because you found someone you can reprehend; instead of in order to HELP the person who has a problem.
If we leave it all behind, do you have any information about why the eeprom eraser would be unable to erase the memory of JTAG? I do not think that any physical harm occured; since all I did was merely plugging the device out during update, it was working till then. By the way, EEPROM Burner's drivers did get installed, as I said only problem is at last step.
Yopu're right, I should have used 'agitated' :)Tansu Kosansu said:First of all - "exaggerated" is not used that way..
I've seen more expensive programmes with less capabilities. However, in his first post he was complaining about 5 days without answer - why that if it wasn't his question? And even mor esince these two posts have been his first posts ever on thsi account.Tansu Kosansu said:The person who commented is NOT me. I'm guessing that he is only angry because that debugger is not a cheap device...
And this 'Ali Desidero' was also complaining about no answer (even though a bit more polite), as his first post ever in this forum. So you have to agree that this is very strange.
But back to your problem.
Well, let me explain the FET first:
The TUSB chip, that does the USB/serial bridge, has an eeprom attached which contains a customized firmware. Without this firmware, it will enumerate as palin TUSB chip and the PC driver will send it the default firmware. Else the chip will read the (checksum protected) firemware form EEPROM and report itself as FET to the PC.
Behind the TUSB chip, there is an MSP430F1612 that does the JTAG job. Also, this MSP can write to the I2C EEPROM and therefore update the TUSBs custom firmware.
Now it looks like both, the EEPROM and the MSP430 contents are gone. THis is why your TUSB now enumerates as TUSB. The 'EEPROM not found' message, however, seems to indicate that the MSP is also not responding.
Now you can update the MSP through the default TUSB firmware, and this is what you'll have to do. It's exactly the same as uplaoding a new firmware to any MSP using the BSL feature. The TUSB is a simple USB->serial and the MSP has its BSL pins attached.
Next you can update the EEPROM through the MSP, and after this, the FET should be restored to a workable state.
About details, sorry, I never ha dto do it myself, but all steps have been discussed in the past, so information should be found either there or on the MSP Wiki page.
Unfortunately the board search is still not keeping up with the new content.
So all I have to do is use the BSL feature to upload a new firmware to MSP inside the debugger? Ok, I will write the details and the result here when I'm done. For if anyone else requires it; there is this application note that explains the process of using BSL at MSP430 chips:
Thank you very much!
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