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MSP430F2416 UART and SPI conflicts

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I'm using  the MSP430F2416 on a design that requires the UART, SPI and I2C. I have the UART on P3.6 and P3.7, SPI on P3.0, P3.4, P3.5 and the I2C on P3.1 and P3.2. I copied the code from TI's example code. As a test I ran each com type independently and all work as advertised. The problem comes when I turn on both the UART and the SPI. I end up getting a constant software reset. I narrowed the problem down the line of code "IE2 = UCA1RXIE;" in the UART invocation. The UART is using UCA1xxx and the SPI is using UCA0xxx. Are these not separate com engines or are they the same? Do I need to move the SPI to UCBxxxx?

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