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MSP430FE427a does not start with quick power dissconnect /connect

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE427A

I'm using the MSP430FE427A the datasheet mentioned that the Avcc (Analog Vcc) should not be started before the Dvcc (digital Vcc) so I have a 10 ohm Resistor and 10uf Cap. supplying  the Avcc from the Dvcc (a simple delay circuit like the one used in the meter application note)

I noticed that when I lose the powe for 1-15 seconed then when the power comes back the MCU does not start again until I reset the device.

but if I lost the power for more than 15 sec. then I reconnect it, the MCU works fine!!

I was suspecting that the Cap. at the Avcc was not losing the charge a quick as the Cap. at the Dvcc. (by so the Avcc is suppled before the Dvcc when the power comes back)  So I hocked the osilloscope to both caps. I noticed that in normal case the Avcc is lower than the Dvcc (which is expected because there is a R souce the Avcc from the Dvcc) then when I lose the power both loses the charges togather until they have the same voltage (around 2.9V) and stay togather for a 10-15 seconed then they drop quickly to 0v.

Case 2:  MCU work fine then I disconnect  then I connected the power quickly withen 1-15 sec. the MCU will not start and the Dvcc and Avcc will have the same voltage like they were internally shorted. and the device will not work until I reset it

Am I working in the right area? how can I fix this issue?


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