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higher bandwith by replacing TUSB?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F2274


after working with my UART at a fixed datatransfer of 9600 bps,
i thoughed of changing it to some higher rate. Because i know it's
fixed, i changed the eZ430-RF2500u by an optional USB-RS232 convertor.

This convertor has six pins where i used 4 from(Power, ground, TX and RX).
I putted all this pins in the right positions of the UART. Pin 3 and 4 of the UART
are "#Reset" and "TEST/SBWTCK" which i putted also on the powersignal(logic 1).

When i start up, i programmed my leds in that way that i can conclude that the ED can
join the AP. THe only thing that i cannot do anymore is sending en receiving frames
over the VCP(virtual com port).

Does somebody knows if i still have to do something else before i can replace the
RF2500U by a different USB-RS232 convertor?

Any help would be high appreciated

Kind Regards


  • Would you be able to illustrate which pins of the 6-pin connector between the eZ430 USB board and the RF2500T radio target board you are connecting to your own USB-RS232 converter?
    I don't quite understand your connections.  If you could identify which ones and how they are connnected, that would be helpful.

    You should only be connecting to pins 1, 2, 5 and 6.  Pins 3, 4 should still be connected to the eZ430 USB board.  These provide the JTAG Spy-Bi-Wire interface to the target MSP430F2274 on the RF2500T radio target board.

  • Hey Brandon,

    already thanks for replying. Sorry for not mentioning my pinconfigurations.
    Before i start with describing wish pins i connected where, i think it's also important to mention
    what pins i have on my USB-RS232 convertor which is going to replace the eZ430 USB board.

    On my own USB-RS232 convertor, i have 6 pins:
    1. VCC
    2. ground
    3. TX
    4. RX

    Pins which i connected with each other:

    1. VCC of convertor --> pin5 of UART
    2. ground of convertor --> pin2 of UART
    3. TX of convertor --> pin6 of UART
    4. RX of convertor --> pin1 of UART
    5. CTS of convertor i didn't connected
    6. RTS of convertor i didn't connected

    I saw that pin 3 and 4 of the uart are(next to the pins for programming a targe board)
    are also "#rest" and "#test". So, i also putted pin 3 and 4 of the UART to powersignal(logic 1)
    so reset is zero(like it should be).

    The thing is also, i first program the targetboard with the eZ430 USB board. When it's programmed, i remove it, and i change it by my own USB-RS232 convertor.
    When connecting my own hardware, the ED joins the AP for sure. I can also send data from the ED on the COM-port. The only thing that doesn't work is that i cannot trigger a UART-RX-interrupt.

    So i wondered if the interrupt has some kind of patron for pin3 and/or pin4 which i don't know.
    I'am looking for the reason that the UART-RX-interrupt doesn't work and for the rest i think i configured my pins very well? But maybe somebody sees a fault that i don't see anymore after so much of testing and trying:-)

    Kind Regards

  • From what I understand in your description above, you are providing power to the RF2500T radio target board from the USB-RS232 converter board via 1. VCC and 2. Ground.
    Secondly, you are able to send data from the MSP430F2274 on the RF2500T through H1.6 (Header H1, Pin 6) to the USB-RS232 device to the PC using a Virtual COM Port, correct?

    However, you are unable to send a character via a terminal program on the PC, to the USB-RS232, to H1.1 (Header H1, Pin 1) to the MSP430F2274 P3.5/UCA0RXD, correct?

    This may be a silly question, but how do you have the Port 3 pins configured via P3SEL?

  • Hey Brandon,

    what you wrote in your last message is completely correct.  I can transmit data
    from the targetboard into the PC using my own convertor instead the USB board from TI.
    And that really works very good.

    The only thing that's not possible is sending a character from an external program(hyperterminal) on the PC into the targetboard using my ow external USB-RS232 convertor. I started from the sensor-application. There they putted the command:

    P3SEL |= 0x30;

    I didn't changed anything for this. The command is still there so it should be correct i suppose

    The sensor application running on the PC that i made by TI also used the RX-UART-interrupt for changing settings. I don't understand but this also works when i connect my own convertor instead of the USB board from TI.  Also for this code, i just changed the code in the sensor-application:

    #pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
    __interrupt void USCI0RX_ISR(void)
      char rx = UCA0RXBUF;
      if ( rx == 'V' || rx == 'v' )
        verboseMode = 1;
      else if ( rx == 'M' || rx == 'm' )
        verboseMode = 0;
      else if ( rx == 'F' || rx == 'f' )
        degCMode = 0;
      else if ( rx == 'C' || rx == 'c' )
        degCMode = 1;


    #pragma vector=USCIAB0RX_VECTOR
    __interrupt void USCI0RX_ISR(void)
      int rx = UCA0RXBUF;
    msg[0] = rx;

                  if (SMPL_SUCCESS == SMPL_Send(sLID[0], msg, sizeof(msg)))
                    P1DIR = 0x01;                             Set P1.0 to output direction
                    P1OUT = 0x01;                           Toggle P1.0 using exclusive-OR

    The red led starts burning when i put the eZ430-board on it. It don't start burning when
    i connect my own convertor. I don't see the problem but actually i comes to this:

    TI application can generate the RX-UART when:
    using the eZ430 USB board. It also works when using my own convertor

    External program(hyperterminal) can generate a RX-UART when using eZ430 USB board.
    THe external program cannot generate a RX-UART interrupt when using my own convertor.

    Any ideas:-)?

    Best Regards

  • driesione said:

    The red led starts burning when i put the eZ430-board on it. It don't start burning when
    i connect my own convertor. I don't see the problem but actually i comes to this:

    TI application can generate the RX-UART when:
    using the eZ430 USB board. It also works when using my own convertor

    External program(hyperterminal) can generate a RX-UART when using eZ430 USB board.
    THe external program cannot generate a RX-UART interrupt when using my own convertor.

    Any ideas:-)?

    My thoughts are to double check the connection from your USB-RS232 converter to the UART Receive input of the MSP430F2274.  Do you have an oscilloscope to see if by typing characters into HyperTerminal result in the expected waveform at the UART Receive input to the MSP430F2274?

  • Hey Brandon,

    thanks for replying again. In the meantime, i could solve my problem.
    I found out that the sensor demo application has a button "connect". And before
    i could make interrupt, i had to press that button. So, i tried with the my own
    java-program and i noticed that i also worked.

    The only program that didn't work for generating an interrupt was hyperterminal. I also don't know
    why but the most import was that it had to work with my java-program which it did:-)

    Best Regards,


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