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MSP430FE427 - Issues with SD16 in a new product design

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FE427
  • Objective: Trying to utilize the SD16 module to sample signals from 8 - 12 Khz  at 32Ksps (using OSR32)
  • Board: MSP430FE427
  • MCU
    • MCLK: Approx 8Mhz (using FLL & ACLK)
    • ACLK: 32 Khz
  • SD16
    • Fm: MCLK / 8 (approx 1 Mhz)
    • OSR32 - To provide close to 32Ksps
  • UART
    • Baudrate: 921600  (U0BR0 = 0x08; U0BR1 = 0x00;)
    • I use the UART to send data as fast as possible to the PC, to do some quick Frequency analysis to verify the preformance of the SD16.
  • Question
    • Can someone tell me if anything like this has been done using any of the MSP430?
    • I seem to be having a lot of issues and not seeing the expected results or performance from the SD16 or MSP430 module.

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