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Doubt with Three-Phase Energy Metering MSP430F47197

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Hello, I'm a student from Spain and i'm working in my final degree project with the MSP430F47197. It's consists in comunicate the mouser via rs232 with a netduino to store data (Vrms, Irms, active energy, etc). The problem is that I can`t found in the datasheet the data frame which is send it via rs232. This structure is need it to undestand which is every data. I can try to do it with a sniiffer or similar but this require a lot of time .....

Everybody can help me?

Thank you so much

  • No wonder. Application data packet structures are not part of the hardware but belong to the software running on the MCU. So they are not found in the datasheet but rather in the application source code/header files and maybe the application description.

    The MSP datasheets only cover the device specific electrical information. A description of the modules (like the UART) is found in the users guide for this MSP family. owever, the descriptions ends on the hardware, so the only 'data frame' found ther eis the low level UART poriocol with start bit, 7 or 8 data bits and optional parity buit and one or two stop bits (whcih is configurable)

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