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software migration from MSP430F677x to 'F677xA

Expert 2355 points


I will replace MCU from 'F677x to MSP430F677xA .

Now,hardware issue is checked.

Also My concern is software migration.

It seems that memory map and all register settings are same,so software is compatible too.

 Is it correct understand?

If it need to any migration,please let me know anything.

best regards,


  • If the A type implements the same modules (and usually this is true, as you checked), then there should be no software differences too. usually, an A type only improves some hardware specifications like SNR of an ADC or maximum clock speed.

    The migration from 54xx to 54xxA was an exception due to the addition of the REF module (which takes over control to the reference by default) and the different core voltage default (limiting initial speed to 8MHz)
    But in this case there was a migration guide available that pointed to these differences.

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